Help with tin

Hey everyone. First off, I'm pretty new to Unix, and only know some basic stuff. Anyways, I installed tin, and I have no ideas what variables to add where. I tried adding NNTPSERVER=whatever and export NNTPSERVER to .profile, and when I tried starting tin with tin -r it didn't work. I'm fairly certain I'm doing this wrong, and any help is greatly appreciated. :)
.profile is for the Bourne shell. Is that what you're using? If you're using a C shell, you should use .cshrc instead.
setenv NNTPSERVER whatever
ok I added the variable:


Then I added my username and password, then this came up:

Server Expects Authentication.
Authorized for user: myusername

Then it stopped at that. Did I forget to add something?
Did you create a .newsauth file in your home directory?

the format for that file is:
$nntpserver $password $username

(mind the order of the entries)

Don't forget to set the permissions on that file properly:

chmod 600 .newsauth
Thank you, I will try that now :) and what file do I set the permissions in? Sorry, like I said I'm pretty much brand new to Unix.
this is just a command you enter in your home directory. Simply put, the permissions are stored in the file system itself, not in a separate file.

tin will work without this, but you'd get a complaint about insecure permissions for that file.

To explain this a bit further, these 3 digits represent the permissions for User (=you), Group (you can make up groups of users which will be allowed to use the same files, and some programs need that as well) and Others (=everyone else), in this order.

The possible values are 4 for read, 2 for write and 1 for execute permissions. These are added, so 600 means the file can be read and written only by you, but not by any other users.

Take a look at the manual page for chmod if you want to know more:
 man chmod

Hope I didn't confuse you too much :)
Hey all, sorry it took so long for me to answer back. Well, I tried adding that info to .newsauth, and it still doing the same thing: it just says i'm authorized, then sits there doing nothing. Any ideas?