Solved Help with makefs

Hi, I'am trying to build a custom FreeBSD install image,"the manual way"
follow this guide

Building Customized FreeBSD Images

and make everything, buildworld,kernel,customize the final image with chroot
but came to this step, makefs give a list of the available options,so, I suppose that the command is wrong

in this steps

$ makefs -B little \
    -o label=rootfs -o version=2 -o softupdates=1 \
    -D -s 10g \
    rootfs.ufs $ROOTFSDIR

$ export EFIDIR=$HOME/efistage
$ mkdir -p $EFIDIR/efi/boot
$ cp $ROOTFSDIR/boot/loader.efi $EFIDIR/efi/boot/bootx64.efi
$ makefs -t msdos \
    -o fat_type=32 -o sectors_per_cluster=1 -o volume_label=EFISYS \
    -s 50m \
    efi.part $EFIDIR

I never use makefs and had no idea where is the error,any help?