Hi folks,
I am sorry for this noob question, but I am pretty novice to FreeBSD and I couldn't find a clear answer but another thread on this same forum, also I guess cross-posting is forbidden.
From that post I read that is recommended modifying a file called ".login". I did the changes but they do not work, I am not sure if it depends because are simply incorrects or because I changed my shell to Fish.
The last two commands are my entries:
Both commands work fine if launched from the cli.
Thanks in advance, TGL!
I am sorry for this noob question, but I am pretty novice to FreeBSD and I couldn't find a clear answer but another thread on this same forum, also I guess cross-posting is forbidden.
From that post I read that is recommended modifying a file called ".login". I did the changes but they do not work, I am not sure if it depends because are simply incorrects or because I changed my shell to Fish.
The last two commands are my entries:
# $FreeBSD$
# .login - csh login script, read by login shell, after `.cshrc' at login.
# See also csh(1), environ(7).
# Query terminal size; useful for serial lines.
if ( -x /usr/bin/resizewin ) /usr/bin/resizewin -z
# Display a random cookie on each login.
if ( -x /usr/bin/fortune ) /usr/bin/fortune freebsd-tips
# WebDav
if ( -x /usr/local/bin/rclone ) /usr/local/bin/rclone mount drive:/ /mnt/drive/ --vfs-cache-mode writes --daemon
# Comp key
if ( -x /usr/local/bin/setxkbmap ) /usr/local/bin/setxkbmap -option compose:rwin
Both commands work fine if launched from the cli.
Thanks in advance, TGL!