Hardware manufacturer.

Is there any hardware manufacturer in this planet who can make within my specifications a specific hardware that meets my needs.
I want to make an ADSL modem with my specifications (Ex: RAM 4G / STOCKAGE: 20G / CPU: Intel x86_64 / LAN: 4, WIFI, ... ).
So Just I give him theses specifications and it will manufacture this.

Thank you.
May be you should talk to some hardware manufacturers rather than post to this site?
The reason why I post here, is the fact that I do not know (if they exists )any of these manufacturers.
And I hope someone of you, kindly, if he can point (give) me one theses manufacturers.
Thank you.
The reason why I post here, is the fact that I do not know (if they exists )any of these manufacturers.
And I hope someone of you, kindly, if he can point (give) me one theses manufacturers.
Thank you.
That is what web-search is for! And why not post on some linux or windows related forums or reddit or something? They are much bigger communities. May be even raspberryPi forums as a lot of h/w hats seemed to be being built for the Pis.
That is what web-search is for! And why not post on some linux or windows related forums or reddit or something? They are much bigger communities. May be even raspberryPi forums as a lot of h/w hats seemed to be being built for the Pis.
Why it disturb you, who are you?? are you a modirator ?? then you can delete my post or even bloc me.
They exist, of course, but have a limited panel of hardwares. For example, to get a silent router, I buy mine here: https://pcvert.fr/

I don't know if you read french. If not, you can search on the net to find something near you and suited to your needs.

Merci mon ami, bien-sur que je lis le français.
This is a forum about freebsd. You'd get more appropriate help elsewhere.
I post here because, the hardware I need must be compatible with FreeBSD (I work on FreeBSD).
Most processors on ADSL modems are MIPS and MIPS is not supported by FreeBSD.
I just see that this forum is SO CLOSE for me then other Linux forum.
Ah, I see. So you already have the required layout and firmware and code to drive the DSL signal-processors from a x64_86 cpu? (Because the actual hardware is then the more simple part)
Ah, I see. So you already have the required layout and firmware and code to drive the DSL signal-processors from a x64_86 cpu? (Because the actual hardware is then the more simple part)
No, I just did a custom build for FreeBSD, write a web GUI interface for doing same work as an ADSL modem.
I think FreeBSD must support ADSL Modem.
I think FreeBSD must support ADSL Modem.
It certainly does. But usually the ADSL Modem is an external box. (I have a spare one here, so if you're somewhere around, you can have it.)

Another option would be what Phishfry just brought up. That looks really cute although I have not yet an idea how it is supposed to work (it says it appears as a network card so will work with any OS - but doesn't say *which* network card)
It certainly does. But usually the ADSL Modem is an external box. (I have a spare one here, so if you're somewhere around, you can have it.)

Another option would be what Phishfry just brought up. That looks really cute although I have not yet an idea how it is supposed to work (it says it appears as a network card so will work with any OS - but doesn't say *which* network card)
This is why I ask for manufacturer. It build the modem with my prerequisites then I install my system.
As PMc already pointed out (a bit snappy):
The point is not to find somebody produce the HW.
The point are the numbers you want to produce.
Below a certain number (~1k) the crucial point of the highly automated process of electronics production are the setup costs; plus the tools for plastics (you want an own housing; or do you prefer some box from the superstore?)
You may estimate something between 20k to 50k €.
So if you only want one piece, that will be the price you need to pay for it.

If (and that was already pointed, too) the design is already done:
development of the circuit, and the PCB layout; gerber files, and BOM ready for production.
If not, of course this also needs to be done, and cost you, too, of course.

So bottom line:
If you're really on to doing some business (> 1k...better >10k pcs) you'll find easily providers for the whole package deal.
If not (<100 pcs) try to look for an existing solution or an alternative way you may go.
I don't know that I would be spending any money on PPP gear unless you had a commitment from your ISP that they are keeping DSL.

I also don't know that the particular modem I posted worked with FreeBSD.

I thought they would use a COM port and PPP>
I don't know that I would be spending any money on PPP gear unless you had a commitment from your ISP that they are keeping DSL.
What do You know that I should know? What might they use instead?
They had me switch from wired phone to VoIP, then from ADSL to VDSL, and now the big hype is fiber, because people seem to want Gbit/s for WAN. But they say, fiber doesn't need a different router - and I won't have a use-case for outbound Gbit/s anytime soon, anyway.

I also don't know that the particular modem I posted worked with FreeBSD.
I found an answer: http://www.draytek.co.uk/products/business/vigornic-132
OS Support:
  • Windows: 7,8,10
  • Linux: Redhat, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, Debian (32/64bit)
And I found the piece on offer for 30 €.
This seems really beautiful for having the DSL directly within the server. no boxes, no cables, no plasticlinux, and with the traffic-handling netgraph takes it anyway - only I have no more PCIe slots free. :(

I thought they would use a COM port and PPP>
No, they say it's a NIC.
There is little difference between manufacturing ADSL modem (!?) and installing OS+software (squid/squidguard web filter) on standard PC using ADSL connection.
Yes, the OS I manage (FreeBSD) will be manufactured with the modem (NO LINUX).
Why you don't want to use SFP? When the media changes, you can easily turn it around against gpon, ethernet, etc. ADSL is dead now, VDSL will live for a few more years. The future is ethernet and gpon. The SFP is easily replaceable. (m)pcie sfp cards are available. You can use an itx x86 board and install whatever you want there.