Solved [GUIDE] -> How to install Netdata on FreeBSD

I recently had problems trying to install Netdata on FreeBSD; remember that Netdata can be installed via "PKG" but the package is out of date, so I decided to compile and install Netdata as requested by the tutorial on GitHub: install Netdata, guide from GitHub

The problem is that whenever I tried to install the official install it didn't compile correctly, because it claimed that the lib "uuid-deve" (or something similar) was missing. The thing about the cat here is the cmake package, which contains this missing lib, preventing the Netdata script from correctly compiling the software.

=> Install the dependencies (need root permission):

pkg install bash e2fsprogs-libuuid git curl autoconf automake pkgconf pidof Judy liblz4 libuv json-c cmake

=> Download Netdata:


=> Unpack:

gunzip netdata*.tar.gz && tar xf netdata*.tar && rm -rf netdata*.tar

=> Install Netdata in /opt/netdata, if you want to enable automatic updates, add --auto-update or -u for install netdata-updater in cron (need root permission):

cd netdata-v* && ./ --disable-telemetry --install /opt

=> You also need to enable the netdata service in /etc/rc.conf:

sysrc netdata_enable="YES"

=> Finally, and very importantly, update Netdata using the script provided by the Netdata team (need root permission):

cd /opt/netdata/usr/libexec/netdata/ && ./


1 -> All set, we can now access the Netdata Web Interface. Ex: http://server.ip:19999:

2 -> Repeat the last step to update Netdata whenever a new version becomes available. The script will update your Agent.

=> And finally, enjoy... 😈

Captura de Tela 2020-05-17 às 15.56.15.png
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I tried to compile and install via ports but to no avail...
If anyone knows and can share the correct way of installing via ports, I would be very grateful.
=> cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/netdata && make install clean

After the installation process, I searched with find / -name netdata, to see where the compiler installed the application, but apparently it had not been installed anywhere; so I ran the Netdata installation script contained in the build ports folder, and received the following error:
Captura de Tela 2020-05-17 às 11.44.38.png