general/other Google Cloud Compute Engine Connectivity

Hi all,

I've been noting some weird networking issues with FreeBSD 13.0 on Google Cloud. After setting up the server, connectivity would be fine but a few days later on, without any configuration changes to FreeBSD or the VPC, would loose inbound connectivity for HTTP or SSH. The VM gets valid IP from configuration from Compute Engine's DHCP. Outbound connectivity is unaffected only inbound is affected. Connectivity on the loopback interface is unaffected however. Sometimes a reboot will restore connectivity but not always. I'm using this image on the Google Marketplace:
Web server is Nginx 1.20.1_2,2. SSH has the default configuration for this image.

Has anyone else noted this behaviour on Google Cloud?
I've spun up another instance (same image) to try to narrow down the cause and not even able to reach the server via SSH for the first time via Google's provided SSH tools (full output from the Serial Port is in the text file - too many characters to post as text):



  • log.txt
    37.8 KB · Views: 134
I managed to connect via serial and received this message:
I've run pkg update && pkg upgrade followed by a reboot however still received this message. This maybe the cause.