go-1.4,1 is only for i386 amd64, while you are running armv6.

I attempted to install lang/go and got the error message you see above.

I find it strange that it claims this because I have previously used go-1.4 on armv6 in Debian.
ARM is still a Tier 2 platform. So not everything is fully tested or guaranteed to work. You could try to remark the ONLY_FOR_ARCHS line in the port's Makefile and see how far it'll go.
I edited the Makefile like this:
< ONLY_FOR_ARCHS=   i386 amd64
> ONLY_FOR_ARCHS=   armv6
< .if ${ARCH} == "i386"
< GOARCH=386
< PLIST_SUB+=   I386_ONLY=""
< PLIST_SUB+=   AMD64_ONLY="@comment "
< .else
< GOARCH=amd64
> GOARCH=arm
< .endif
> PLIST_SUB+=   AMD64_ONLY="@comment "
Since I wasn't sure how to say else if in the Makefile, I just took the lazy road of removing the i386 and amd64 stuff and replace those with the armv6 and arm stuff. Now I'm waiting for it to finish building.

Edit for anyone wondering what the GOOBJ number means:
The Go compilers support three instruction sets. There are important differences in the quality of the compilers for the different architectures.

amd64 (a.k.a. x86-64); 6g,6l,6c,6a
A mature implementation. The compiler has an effective optimizer (registerizer) and generates good code (although gccgo can do noticeably better sometimes).​
386 (a.k.a. x86 or x86-32); 8g,8l,8c,8a
Comparable to the amd64 port.​
arm (a.k.a. ARM); 5g,5l,5c,5a
Supports Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD binaries. Less widely used than the other ports.​
From https://golang.org/doc/install/source. So there you see why I set it to 5.
Excellent. If it properly builds and works could you please create a PR for it? The port can then be modified so it'll work on ARM too.
Installed and go version reports
go version go1.4 freebsd/arm
In other words, it seems to be working.

Excellent. If it properly builds and works could you please create a PR for it? The port can then be modified so it'll work on ARM too.
Yes, I'd love to do that. Where is it described how I do that?
Installed and go version reports
go version go1.4 freebsd/arm
In other words, it seems to be working.
Even better! Getting a port to build doesn't necessarily mean it will actually work :)

Yes, I'd love to do that. Where is it described how I do that?

If you don't know how to create a complete patch, just describe what you did and/or changed and I'm sure the maintainer can include the necessary changes. It seems like a popular language (I've never used it myself) so I'm sure there are others who'd like to have it running on ARM too. Someone else may even write a proper patch for it using your directions and add to the PR. It's a community effort after all ;)
As I replied in the PR can you provide a unified diff diff -du file.orig file and a poudriere build log (or a simple build log)?
I'm not sure I read your diff properly (it's not a unified one) but make sure that
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS contains i386 amd64 armv6
Hello, I didn't want to pollute the bugzilla report with this additional information, so I'm posting it here:

poudriere jail -c -j pitest -v 10.1-STABLE fails with
[00:00:00] ====>> FREEBSD_HOST from config invalid; defaulting to http://ftp.freebsd.org
[00:00:00] ====>> Fetching base.txz for FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE arm.armv6
fetch: http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/arm.armv6/arm.armv6/10.1-STABLE/base.txz: Not Found
fetch: http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/arm.armv6/arm.armv6/10.1-STABLE/base.txz: Not Found
[00:00:00] ====>> Error: Failed to fetch from http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/arm.armv6/arm.armv6/10.1-STABLE/base.txz
[00:00:00] ====>> Error while creating jail, cleaning up.
[00:00:00] ====>> Removing pitest jail... done
I have changed the Makefile in the way that it will be usable and am waiting for my current rebuild to finish and will then post in the PR the unified diff and a simple build log (I am creating the simple build log by running make build 2>&1 | tee -a build.log).

I will try and get poudriere jail working for me once I am done with the current PR. One thing at a time is best, I think :)

edit to add: I've now put the proposed patch along with simple build log and install log as attachments to the PR.
I'd also like to add that I have now tested the resulting installed lang/go on my ARMv6 computer with a project from GitHub and it is able to build and run. The project is question is https://github.com/shazow/ssh-chat on branch "refactor".

(Additionally, though it doesn't matter much to others, that project is what motivated me to want to install Go on my Raspberry Pi in the first place.)