
dbus and hal probably aren't running. Add to /etc/rc.conf:
I tried to but all the same. When i type gnome-panel and etc... then i get gnome-panel panel window but when i type gnome-session there is a problem.
Nothing... After entering /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dbus start and same for hald /usr/local/etc/rc.d/hald start the status and error remains the same.
I'm trying to understand if dbus and hald are running.
Can you check using pgrep, ps, top,...?
What did you do after adding the lines in /etc/rc.conf as suggested by SirDice?
What's the output of [cmd=]/usr/local/etc/rc.d/dbus rcvar[/cmd] and [cmd=]/usr/local/etc/rc.d/hald rcvar[/cmd]?
Yes i have in rc.conf everything is okay in rc.conf. But when type using rcvar (DutchDaemon) i get: hald_enabled="NO" and the same for dbus.
Then chances are you have them both in /etc/rc.conf twice. Make sure only the "YES" versions are in /etc/rc.conf.
By the way:

# Add the following to /etc/rc.conf to start GNOME services (dbus,
# hald, gdm, and so on) at boot time:
# gnome_enable="YES"

Do you have that set in /etc/rc.conf? It should take care of the rest (assuming gnome_enable covers gnome-lite, I don't know).
I can't believe this is chaos :D. I use gnome on FreeBSD older version of course and i never had problems.
egrep -i '(hald)|(dbus)' /etc/rc.conf
Gives me information that the dbus and hald enabled="YES". I do not have two rc.conf of course ;). I tried gnome_enable="YES" and all the OK finally :). But i am completely confuse why hald status and start don't work. In any case, thank you very, very much for your help guys.