gnome missing home folder icons on desktop

I am running FBSD7-2. gnome, kde, and xfce4 are installed. Installed xfce4 last and everything it (xfce4) installs takes over (mousepad and thunar) as default applications. Well I usually run gnome and compiz, but I went into xfce to try and reset default apps for the file manager. I could not find the 'use as default' button so I went into kde3 (i don't like kde4 btw) and tried to set nautilus as the default manager. I also must say (i think this is the reason) that I messed with those 'save session on exit' buttons
in xfce.

Now when I boot into gnome, my desktop icons are gone. The /home/user/desktop folder is still there with all of it stuff. Just does not show up on the gnome desktop. Can anybody tell me how to fix this?

Last time I checked they are still there in kde3 and xfce4. Tried saving the session out of xfce4 but no luck. Also tried setting the default file manager back to thunar but no luck.

(I wish xfce would leave gnome alone.)

Thanks in advance.
For the default applications, check Settings > Preferred Applications (in Xfce).

Your sessions must be in ~/.cache/sessions/.

Do your .desktop files have a OnlyShowIn= key?
Here are the registered DEs. I think you can add entries separated by semicolons.
Beastie said:
For the default applications, check Settings > Preferred Applications (in Xfce).

Your sessions must be in ~/.cache/sessions/.

Do your .desktop files have a OnlyShowIn= key?
Here are the registered DEs. I think you can add entries separated by semicolons.

The Settings Preferred Applications only has a few setting like for Web Browser or email reader. Not much there.

Have not looked through all of the .desktop files. This seems unecessary at his point (but what do I know).
When I go into gnome, I can start nautilus in a terminal (reading from the internet), and all of my desktop icons appear, but as soon as I close the terminal, the desktop icons dissappear. Now when nautilus is running from that terminal, then everything is normal. Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor > Apps > Nautilus settings work and everything.

Also note that right mouse click does nothing unless nautilus is running in that terminal.

I have seen several complaints about this issue on the internet, but none of their solutions have not worked for me yet.
I have verified how this happened.
(1) Create a username of test.
(2) Make sure thunar will open a folder link (in gnome) that has been dragged to a panel.
(3) Exit gnome and go into kde3.
(4) In kde3, right click on a folder. Select open with other application.
(5) Select remember application. Type nautilus in the very top field.
(6) Exit kde and go back into gnome. Desktop icons have dissappeared.