C++ GLIBCXX_3.4.30 not found

Is that inline gnu assembly? Should not gnu under FreeBSD understand it? And no consequences wrapping it?

And what about my "solution" till next building: to delete gcc11 and gcc12? It seems it is working.

Of course, it seems, I do not know the consequences ...
Sorry, I missed your findings. There seems to be functions tagged with "GLIBCXX_3.4.30" in gcc13 but not in gcc11 (try strings /usr/local/lib/gcc13/libstdc++.so.6 | grep GLIBC, and for gcc11 also), but it seems ld-elf.so finds gcc11's libstdc++.so first when it exists. So deleting gcc11 made ld-elf.so find the correct libstdc++.so of gcc13.

Your solution is good, but if you want to build texlive with both gcc11 and gcc13 installed, you should set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gcc13 first. (see the manpage of ld-elf.so)

Maybe, it happened because texlive was built with gcc13 but there were also gcc11 in the system? I don't know.