So I find myself setting up a new light-duty server machine. I've got a pair of 500G SATA drives I'm planning to mirror. I just became aware of gjournal.
Because I've had problems in the past with vinum (Which became not-production-ready in 6.0 without the documentation stating so) I feel the need to ask - Who here is using gjournal, for what kind of applications, and does it work well?
So I find myself setting up a new light-duty server machine. I've got a pair of 500G SATA drives I'm planning to mirror. I just became aware of gjournal.
Because I've had problems in the past with vinum (Which became not-production-ready in 6.0 without the documentation stating so) I feel the need to ask - Who here is using gjournal, for what kind of applications, and does it work well?