Getting smbnetfs to work

I am trying to access a SMBV2 share with smbnetfs

I believe I have followed the right documentation but at the end I dont see my network drives
kldload fuse.ko
sysctl vfs.usermount=1
mkdir ~/.smb

cp /usr/local/etc/smb.conf /usr/local/share/doc/smbnetfs-0.6.1/smbnetfs.conf ~/.smb/
mkdir ~/mountpoint

I edited smbnetfs.conf and added one authentication for a share that is working. This is verified on a Linux box accessing this share.

vi .smb/smbnetfs.con
    auth freenas/share "useronshare" "userpassword"
I send started smbnetfs

smbnetfs mountpoint

My understanding is that now "magic" is happening and the share should appear under "mountpoint". but not :-(

I tried to get some logs with this command but that is not helpfull either
smbnetfs mountpint -o log_file=/home/hbauer/smb.log smbnetfs_debug=10

Do I have the wrong understanding? If not, whats missing?
I am puzzled. Is it really not possible to mount a smbv2/v3 share in FreeBSD?

No one?
It works on my FreeBSD13 with a SMBV3_11 share. My ~/.smb/smbnetfs.conf:
auth "" "publicuser" "str0ngpassword"
host visible=true
smb_query_browsers      "false"
show_hidden_hosts       "true"
This is a lost cause anyways. Maybe you can get SMB 2/3 access with some userspace tool, if you're lucky and/or stubborn ;)

But most likely, you will have one or another integration problem. And you will definitely not get any acceptable performance.

FreeBSD only supports mounting SMB1 shares, which is totally useless nowadays. This may change some day, if someone finally does all the work… For now, try to tackle the issue on the server side and provide your shares (additionally?) via NFS. FreeBSD supports NFS v3 and v4 perfectly. If that's really not possible, better use some other client OS.
yeah I know of the sad state of SMB/CIFS in FreeBSD :-/ I am using the new NFS with TLS so far, however, some clients networks do require that I access the windows shares.
the file managers gentoo and py38-ranger do work with smbnetfs btw.
I can list the mountpoint/
it shows homes nobody share
when I do ls or cd mountpoint/
I got error operation not permitted