Getting Athena/Motif-based applications to match GTK/Qt themes


Deleted member 72152


I'm curious of any methods to get older applications based on Athena (Xaw) and Motif to match your current GTK or Qt theme. If I recall correctly, the MATE desktop environment does this out of the box (I think back to opening an Xaw application like xfontsel and it being dark to match my dark theme), but in standalone window managers how could this be achieved?
You can change settings of these kinds of applications in the file ~/.Xdefaults. They are called “X-resources”.

For example, here is how I configure x11/rxvt-unicode:
URxvt*font: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
URxvt*boldFont: -*-terminus-bold-*-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
URxvt*foreground: lightGray
URxvt*background: black
URxvt*scrollBar_right: True
URxvt*iconFile:  /usr/local/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/legacy/utilities-terminal.png
URxvt*color0: #000000
URxvt*color1: #705050
URxvt*color2: #60B48A

To find out which settings are available for a particular application, you best look into the man-page of the application in question and look out for a section called “X-Resources”.

For Motif-based applications there are certain X-resources which are common to all of them, like background, foreground, etc. For example, to set the background resource for all such applications, add this to your .Xdefaults file:
*background: grey

I am not sure where these common X-resources are properly documented. My best bet would be the series “The Definite Guide the X Window system”, especially Volume Six A: “Motif Programming Manual”. They are freely available as PDF nowadays, I think.
In a recent thread, x11/xprop used with grep was mentioned as a way to get the name and (if available) class of an application. This is useful for ~/.Xdefaults.
on those windowname and windowclass,

how could I best obtain them? I tried x11/xprop but can't always find the proper name and class. Maybe there is a better way (?)
I usually use xprop | grep WM_CLASS to extract this information. I'm not aware if there are any easier method.
This is great, because it eliminates a lot of guesswork for this configuration. is one, but for a specific window manager of JWM using its configuration file for themes. That may give a hint for using themes on another window manager. This last example may be too specific.