General Ports Upgrade problem

Cronjob does daily update of "/usr/share/cvsup/ports-supfile" ports
Upgrading with
portupgrade -ay => 
--->  ** Upgrade tasks 145: 0 done, 2 ignored, 133 skipped and 12 failed
--->  Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        - ftp/curl (marked as IGNORE)
        - multimedia/qt4-phonon (marked as IGNORE)
        ! java/diablo-jdk16 (diablo-jdk- (unknown build error)
        * graphics/djvulibre-nox11 (djvulibre-nox11-3.5.22_2)
        * x11/kde4 (kde4-4.2.2)
--->  Packages processed: 0 done, 2 ignored, 133 skipped and 12 failed
Some were manually installed subsequently using
portupgrade -ay [i]packagename[/i] or [cmd=]portupgrade -P packagename[/CMD]
others by make install clean or make deinstall / make reinstall procedures
but others are just totally unresponsive. Except for the message -
Package in use by some other programs and cannot be uninstalled

What is the solution to upgrading these?

/usr/ports/UPDATING did not provide answers either.

And why are there so many skipped upgrades ?

Do yourself a favor and don't update using cron. Before starting any upgrade read /usr/ports/UPDATING.

Do the update by hand so you can see what's going on.
Upgrade tasks 145

If you really have that many ports to upgrade it's way better to delete all installed ports, clear out /var/db/pkg/ and /usr/local/ (except configs in /usr/local/etc/) and start over by installing the new versions from scratch. Use pkg_info(1) with proper flags (like -o) to get a list of installed ports. Tip: never postpone upgrading ports for this amount of time.