[fvwm-crystal] how to make xterm transparent?

Xterm doesn't have that feature. Try rxvt, Terminal (xfce) or gnome-terminal.
It is possible to use x11-wm/devilspie to make x11/xterm transparent,
install it, create ~/.devilspie/main.ds file with
( if
( is (window_class) "XTerm" )
( opacity 80 )
inside. Then launch devilspie. Also it is possible to use custom geometry with some applications
when using devilspie, for example
( if
( is (window_name) "<application name>" )
( geometry "640x480-0+0" )
To find out application name or class, use xprop (or FvwmIdent if you use x11-wm/fvwm2).
There are also many other devilspie options, see devilspie manual page.
Also, to make transparency work, you should use x11-wm/xcompmgr or x11-wm/compton too.