C Full Screen Interactive Application

Hey gang,

So I am working on honing my C skills in FreeBSD. My main issue is that I have a use case to look for input on an open socket, while still seeming "interactive" to the user.

My first thought was to mimic something like a text editor, that can accept input while simultaneously performing other tasks and populating the screen accordingly.

Right now, my application runs in series so the only way I can get an updated response from the server, is by sending a message out.

    //Look for input from user scanf()
    //Echo response from open socket to stdout

My gut is telling me multithreading, but that seems messy. I know I have seen this type of application in FreeBSD for years. So I would imagine there are probably some good libraries, or working examples?

Can anyone suggest a good FreeBSD lib or port that might be helpful?

I really would like to use an existing lib (if one is available) for FreeBSD.