Frozen NFSV4 krb5 user mounted shares after expired ticket.

Trying to get around a problem of shares freezing after users kerberos(mit) tickets expire.

Simply running a new kinit for user does not work.
(as user cannot umount and remount after mount is frozen)

Most of the time root can umount -fN $share (but that needs roots permissions)

sometime even root cannot do that as user tried mounting again
and now there is multiple mounts of same share:mountpoint
umount itself gets stuck (kill -9 umount cmd pid) does not work
(and only a full reboot can solve the situation)

On linux clients all that is needed is for user to kinit again and share
becomes available again (and was never frozen, but let you know that ticket expiered)

Willing to test if you can point me to what information would be of any use.

Current setup is
FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE as client,
not automounting nfs shares as root on boot.

each user uses their own user kerberos keys to kinit
and then mount needed shares from a linux NFSv4 only server.

#fstab share
server:/srv/users/dud /mnt/dud nfs sec=krb5,vers=4,rw,soft,noauto,exec 0 0