FreeBSD13.4 bootstraploader 3.0 not booting the kernel when the image is created via mfsbsd

When I tried creating an image with mfsbsd and installing it in a KVM VM, the bootloader did not load the kernel. However, when I changed the version from 3.0 to an earlier version in FreeBSD 13.3 (I believe it was 1.0), it successfully booted the kernel.

I then attempted to install FreeBSD 13.4 via ISO, and it loaded without any issues, even though the loader parameters were the same as those used with the mfsbsd image. I'm not sure what else I need to check :(

Thanks in advance!


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Probably, you have created image with very old mfsbsd. Try to recreate image with newer version of mfsbsd.
PS. I hade the same issue, when tried migration from FreeBSD 12.2 to newer version, because out of date loader.