Solved freebsd-update ... failed. 11-RELEASE/STABLE mixed up?

I wanted to up update to 11.1-RELEASE via freebsd-update but got an error I don't know what to do with.
uname -a
FreeBSD phlatboks 11.0-STABLE FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #4 r317557M: Fri Apr 28 21:51:06 CEST 2017     madde@phlatboks:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
freebsd-update fetch
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 11.0-STABLE from failed.
Fetching metadata signature for 11.0-STABLE from failed.
Fetching metadata signature for 11.0-STABLE from failed.
Fetching metadata signature for 11.0-STABLE from failed.
No mirrors remaining, giving up.

I build some kernels earlier to test various wifi devices and am not sure if my custom kernel is part of the problem. The handbook says a GENERIC kernel is used as an intermediate step while updating, so I tried to run freebsd-update fetch with my custom kernel and booted the original GENERIC kernel as well and tried it. That makes no difference, same error.
I noticed that uname -a states 11.0-STABLE, while freebsd-version says 11.0-RELEASE.

In the end I rolled back the update and I am now on 11.0-RELEASE-p1, but the problem remains, freebsd-update does not work.

What is it I have messed up?
Ok, I found the problem. Had the wrong (STABLE) kernel sources fetched I used to build the kernel and that seemed to confuse freebsd-update. Moved /usr/src to /usr/src.old and then the update worked right away.

I obviously havn't understand what the Handbook says about fetching kernel sources, I need some explanation on this...
I read the which made me figure out my mistake but I still don't understand the versioning like 11.x.x in the folder. SayI was on 11.0-RELEASE-p11, what kernel sources do I have to fetch?

Thanks a lot :)
Hey Wozzeck.Live,
thanks you I just fixed it. Really had it mixed up. Had to move the wrong kernel sources out of the way and now update to 11.1-RELEASE is in progress.
Can you explain how the versioning on the SVN server is to be understood? Do I have to fetch kernel sourced from release/11.1.0 when I'm done updating to 11.1-RELEASE?

Yes, /etc/rc.d/blacklistd exists, strange. Can't remember I tried to update to 11.1-RELEASE earlier. But it looks promising now. After I rolled back everything I managed to update to 11.0-RELEASE-p11 (kernel -p9) and now upgrade to 11.1-RELEASE is in progress :)
The branches in release/ correspond to the actual release versions of FreeBSD and do not receive an errata or security updates. Consider them as read-only. Fixes are instead applied to releng/11.0 (in the case of FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE).

If you check out your sources via SVN and keep them updated this way and you use freebsd-update(8) too, you might want to remove the src component from /etc/freebsd-update.conf so that it doesn't touch the source tree.

Do I have to fetch kernel sourced from release/11.1.0 when I'm done updating to 11.1-RELEASE?
No, you switch it to the releng/11.1 branch e.g. with svnlite switch ^/releng/11.1.
Thank you guys, I am on 11.1-RELEASE now and happy :)
tobik@ Thank you, I did as you said and switched to releng/11.1 svnlite switch /usr/src/and removed the 'src' entry from /etc/freebsd-update.conf. Thanks for helping me understand!