FreeBSD threads + backtrace

Good day! I work for crossplatform engine, and have some problem under FreeBSD.

The first:
I use backtrace function on Linux and MacOS X, and is work fine. But under FreeBSD backtrace crash with segfault (libexecinfo 1.1_3 port, x64 FreeBSD 9.1)

The second:
I implement Berkley sockets for TCP, and on Linux and MacOS X thay works fine. But, under FreeBSD I get segfault on send/recv functions.

Links for github source:

Please help!
It is not easy to figure out memory access problems just by looking at the source. You need to compile everything with debugging symbols and then provide a crash dump file or analyze it yourself.
Thanks for answer!
Sure, i compile my code with -g3, -rdynamic, draw 2 flags.
Crash dump is good way, but as i say, i have problems - backtrace didn't work, just crash with segfault, my own implement of backtrace show - on signal c stack filled zero poiters(sorry for bad eng). I can't get crah dump, while libexecinfo dind't work.