FreeBSD system version selection question

13.0 is going to be EOL very soon, so 13.1 would be a better bet.

MySQL 5.7 is going EOL October next year, so yes, MySQL 8 is probably a better bet to start new projects with.

But would recommend setting up a test server with FreeBSD 13.1 and MySQL 8 and seeing how you get on with your application/workload etc.

(If using PHP then PHP 7.4 is EOL November 2022, PHP 8.0 only has 1 year of support, so PHP 8.1 is the one to go for.
For online projects, you need to install mysql8, and choose 13.0 or 13.1 for FreeBSD system version?

...install mysql and then choose what version of Freebsd to use. That sounds a bit backwards doesn't it.

For online projects you need... That all depends on what sort or projects and how you want to do them.