For those that don't want to wait, a word of encouragement...
I did not want to wait for FreeBSD to move my (small) web server to the EC2 - I needed the cost savings ASAP.
I reviewed (at length)
this thread to try and decide which Linux might be best for a FreeBSD lover. Sadly, threads like those end up filled with useless remarks. But after spending ages wading through the "I like FreeBSD" submissions, I decided to try Debian.
It was pretty easy to set up, and virtually everything I needed in terms of instruction was to be found easily on Google. It did not take long at all. I used Debian 5 Lenny on EBS.
A couple of tips come to mind:
1. Start/Stop Service scripts are in /etc/init.d/
2. Although there are AMIs with LAMP setups ready-made, chances are you will want to grab a base image, as you will likely want to update everything anyway.
3. Sending mail from your web apps can be tricky. It's fairly easy to
set up ssmtp to send via a Google Apps account, but if you want to use custom "From:" addresses, check
here. Note that due to AWS IPs being considered spammy, you should configure an SPF record if you want to mail directly from your virtual server.
I guess that's all for now...
I have reduced my hosting costs for web service by 75% _AND_ I no longer have to pay for or worry about the hardware!