[FreeBSD - JavaEE] web application / jails / and more ... could you help me ?

hello BsdWorld :)
This post is for discussion around playing with a FreeBSD server (system) and webapps (java).
Sorry it's a long post.

First the story :
Since six years I've done a java web application. Not a big one.
Actually around one hundred users (max was 350 users / around 50 at the same time during hot moments)
When I built this application I tried to learn system design and specially FreeBSD (was not my speciality).
I quit Linux in the same time; And since that day my desktop, like my dev environnement, is FreeBSD (was version 6.1).
My desk is actually in 9.0 release, my server 7.x (actual uptime 1550 days).

End of the story :)

The FreeBSD server situation :
On actual server this is what I've done (underline) for web applications:
* 2 jails : 2 webservers (Apache, Nginx, ...)
* 1 jail : 1 appserver (Tomcat, Php, ...)
* 1 jail : 1 DB (PostgreSQL, MySQL, ...)

Jails were created with ezjails.
Network is by PF. Sticky load-balancing between the two webservers jails (to the same app jail and, then, to the db jail).

Next - Future
Soon i will change the server, and I need help.
I'm looking for best pratices and for best playing with FreeBSD system.

And then a lot of questions... (sorry for my low knowledges in system/network) :
- is it a good idea for separating all level app in separated jail (webserver, appserver, db) ?
- is it a good idea for having 2 balanced webservers in 2 jails ? Sure yes, but with one machine ?
- if the past two answers are 'yes', does PF is the best solution for network ?
- EzJails was a solution with FreeBSD 7, with 9.x is the best solution for admin jails ? Warden ?

In this post, I forgot a lot of admin things.
This post is done for that.
Best practices and discuss.

Please help.
What I want is publish a good building doc. I can't do it only by myself.