FreeBSD GELI problem

Good morning everyone!
I have a problem.
I created an encrypted drive using GELI and ZFS.
I can only mount it (GELI attach then ZFS import) on a 64 bit install but the 32 bit install (which also runs ZFS) cannot attach it, it doesn't even give an error, it just....doesn't.
All the configuration(s) on the two systems are identical other than one being 32 bit and the other 64bit.
What could I change/do to have the 32 bit one mount that drive?
I'm letting go of the 64bit one (which is fully backed up onto that drive) soon so that I can get another better one but still need to access that drive in the interim.
Any assistance/help/pointers you give me would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
The howto section is not for asking how to do things. Thread moved.
Thank you both for the correction and for moving it to the right place, my mistake, I apologise SirDice!