FreeBSD Bugzilla ticket follow-up?

I've opened a handful of tickets on FreeBSD's Bugzilla tracker and some of them are already resolved, but there are no updates in tickets themselves. What is the correct protocol? Is it expected that I should add a comment and/or change the ticket's status?
You might need to ping the devs on the mailing lists. Sometimes PRs get snowed under and fall through the cracks.
Normally, a developer working on a bug would be handling the bug report.
Sometimes a developer can find a problem independently and fix it without realizing that there is a bug report for it.
In that case you can update the ticket yourself.
After doing more additional testing I believe that (some of the) issues are taken care of in HEAD, but not pushed to -RELEASE just yet. I filed tickets against 12.3 and 13.0, but problems remain after freebsd-update(8). So the fixes (not security-related) will eventually be included in 12.4 and 13.1; does it sound right?
  • PR 257732 -- a corner case of kernel compilation failure with specific configuration (when VIMAGE is disabled, 13.0); I believe that was fixed in HEAD;
  • PR 260467 -- pkg(8) utility issue causing failure when building nanobsd images (reported for 12.3, but now applicable to 13.1, as well); I believe that was fixed in HEAD, as well;
  • PR 260468 -- issues with updated Intel NIC drivers, where hardware VLAN is not disabled when respective flags ( -vlanhwfilter) are applied with ifconfig(8) (12.3); I'm not sure about the status of this one.
Well, its been awhile, several -RELEASEs already, but some fixes are still not included where they have to, i.e. PR 260467; can anyone suggest any reasonable follow-up steps?
Well, its been awhile, several -RELEASEs already, but some fixes are still not included where they have to, i.e. PR 260467; can anyone suggest any reasonable follow-up steps?

Can you identify the commit that fixed this? It might have had a "MFC after" entry that was forgotten.
It would be this one. My issue is not that Bugzilla ticket is not updated, but that change set is not included in recent -RELEASEs.