Solved FreeBSD 14 - STABLE not found.


  • 14.1 is present but not yet populated.

From the announcement for 20240628 9a53391b601d, a few hours ago:

VM disk images are available for the following architectures:

o 14.1-STABLE amd64
o 14.1-STABLE i386
o 14.1-STABLE riscv64

There's also the customary plea for patience – for ISO-IMAGES, probably intended as a more general plea.

The second screenshot – absence of 14.1-STABLE, presence of inferior 14.0-STABLE – does seem like a bug (probably an omission). Reported.
944827bcf6f0 (2024-06-28) is packaged.

% strings FreeBSD-kernel-generic-14.snap20240628101851 | grep 14\.1-
@(#)FreeBSD 14.1-STABLE stable/14-n268038-944827bcf6f0 GENERIC
FreeBSD 14.1-STABLE stable/14-n268038-944827bcf6f0 GENERIC


  • 1719719991190.png
    73 KB · Views: 8
View attachment 19410
  • 14.1 is present but not yet populated.
View attachment 19411

From the announcement for 20240628 9a53391b601d, a few hours ago:

There's also the customary plea for patience – for ISO-IMAGES, probably intended as a more general plea.

The second screenshot – absence of 14.1-STABLE, presence of inferior 14.0-STABLE – does seem like a bug (probably an omission). Reported.
It was empty(ISO and VM) not populated - correct. Going to check it now :)

I generally just install a -RELEASE and use the source to update it to stable/14.
Hmmmm. Probs i have to read handbook to get it done ?
… Probs i have to read handbook to get it done ?

Alternatively – not yet in the FreeBSD Handbook – the one-off switch to pkgbase involves a little reading, from the wiki.

Subsequent updates (to CURRENT, STABLE, or RELEASE) can be as simple as:

pkg upgrade --repository FreeBSD-base
Maybe check a nearby mirror, although I doubt that you'll find it any different from for what's reported.
Only trough this link i found 14.1-STABLE , but if i use this : - empty ( VM-IMAGES also empty ), and trough mirrors from this: - checked some EU mirrors as im in EU - all empty.