FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE Can it be used in production environments?

Is there any risk that the cloud server uses AWS EC2 and the production environment can be upgraded to FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE?
Or wait a moment before upgrading?
New technology is said to be on the bleeding edge for a reason. ⚔️

Personally I like a quieter life so wait a few months before deploying on production. It's good to help test/find bugs - but that's better done on dev/test environments.

But if you like excitement and your risk thresholds are high, go for it!

FreeBSD is usually pretty stable and reliable but all software can have issues.

Generally (without regard to AWS EC2)​

All supported RELEASE versions are production-ready.

Tests are:
  • continuous with CURRENT
  • continuous with STABLE
  • occasional with BETA – one snapshot per week, for a limited period.
Beta tests:
  • the three-week period for 14.1 was May 2024
  • expect the three for 13.4 in August
  • expect the three for 14.2 in November.
"… moving towards each supported stable branch getting a minor release every 6 months. … stay tuned."

As updates to 14-STABLE are simpler than updates to 13-STABLE, I should expect:
  • relatively few issues in November (compared to August).
Simple updates = more users of STABLE (and CURRENT).