FreeBSD 13.3 stuck after upgrade attempt to 14.1

Hi there,
a recent upgrade attempt up to 14.1 got interrupted half-way due to (I think it was) storage shortage. That particular box is an embedded system w/ not too much flash memory. It is also headless, so not every detail reached my eyes during upgrade process.

What I can say is that it does boot up. I cannot log in via ssh anymore. Bot I can access FreeBSD via console. That is good.

Any additional attempt to finish the upgrade will run into this:

root@apu3:~ # freebsd-version
root@apu3:~ # freebsd-update fetch
src component not installed, skipped
/usr/sbin/freebsd-update: grep: not found
freebsd-update: Invalid key fingerprint: 800651ef4b4c71c27e60786d7b487188970f4b4169cc055784e21eb71d410cc5
root@apu3:~ # freebsd-update --currently-running 13.3-RELEASE -r 14.1-RELEASE upgrade
/usr/sbin/freebsd-update: grep: not found
/usr/sbin/freebsd-update: grep: not found
src component not installed, skipped
/usr/sbin/freebsd-update: grep: not found
freebsd-update: Invalid key fingerprint: 800651ef4b4c71c27e60786d7b487188970f4b4169cc055784e21eb71d410cc5

So, several essential commands are not there anymore. Does anyone have an idea what to do best now to bring this box back or forward to normal again?
I forgot ..
/var/log/messages does not tell anything interesting in this regard. Just ntpd startup stuff any my console login.
Nor dmesg. Only devices, geom, zfs ...
If you're indeed using zfs, bectl list could lead you to a functional, fairly recent boot environment. If you boot into that, you should at least have a functional system again. Assuming that lack of space was the problem, you should then clean out any other boot environment you don't need, and do things like pkg clean -a to reclaim as much storage as possible before attempting the upgrade again.
Hi adorno, thank you very much for pointing me to bectl in particular. I was somewhat aware of it, now I will dig a bit deeper and wider. And see what I can do to improve the situation.