I've got a raspberry pi 2b running Freebsd 11.0. Works fine (except keeping world up to date is a pain for a non-tier-1 architecture), but given that 11.0 is EOL I need to upgrade to 11.1. So I built a new image with crochet from branch releng/11.1 in git. However, this image fails to boot properly. Last message it prints is 'random: unblocking device'.
On the 11.0 image, what follows the 'random: unblocking device' message is the smsc driver initialization (network interface). So might this be an issue with the 11.1 version of the smsc driver? I wanted to see if I can boot verbosely ('boot -v'), however uboot doesn't seem to initialize the keyboard so I can't input anything.
I tried getting the raspberry pi 2 image from ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/arm/armv6/ISO-IMAGES/11.1/, but that won't even get past uboot. It's a bit hard to see why, because the video is off and the left 10 characters of the output are not visible.
It's been running FreeBSD for the past year, and I really like to continue doing so. But as it is, the maintenance burden of running FreeBSD on a non-tier-1 architecture is no fun anymore. I'm probably going to change it to Linux soon, but perhaps there's a simple thing I can do to get 11.1 to work and keep using FreeBSD. If not, it's gonna be linux because I don't want to run this thing with an EOL os that has a vulnerable openssl library.
I've got a raspberry pi 2b running Freebsd 11.0. Works fine (except keeping world up to date is a pain for a non-tier-1 architecture), but given that 11.0 is EOL I need to upgrade to 11.1. So I built a new image with crochet from branch releng/11.1 in git. However, this image fails to boot properly. Last message it prints is 'random: unblocking device'.
On the 11.0 image, what follows the 'random: unblocking device' message is the smsc driver initialization (network interface). So might this be an issue with the 11.1 version of the smsc driver? I wanted to see if I can boot verbosely ('boot -v'), however uboot doesn't seem to initialize the keyboard so I can't input anything.
I tried getting the raspberry pi 2 image from ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/arm/armv6/ISO-IMAGES/11.1/, but that won't even get past uboot. It's a bit hard to see why, because the video is off and the left 10 characters of the output are not visible.
It's been running FreeBSD for the past year, and I really like to continue doing so. But as it is, the maintenance burden of running FreeBSD on a non-tier-1 architecture is no fun anymore. I'm probably going to change it to Linux soon, but perhaps there's a simple thing I can do to get 11.1 to work and keep using FreeBSD. If not, it's gonna be linux because I don't want to run this thing with an EOL os that has a vulnerable openssl library.