PROS: Tow OSes taking full advantage of machine resources
CONS: Missing share data capabilities but it is an upcoming fix.
So far so good, dual booting Windows 7 and FreeBSD by taking full advantage of the machine resources. The mix involves hosting the FreeBSD root partition on same hard drive with Windows but booting from SD/USB drive … may be tested beyond the two mentioned OSes.
Recommended to install Windows 7 first and leave a partition for FreeBSD. Assuming you investigated the system and gained info on which MBR partition you’re going to host your FreeBSD root, and your boot SD/USB drive flash memory is at least 2GB – you are ready to customize the following code to fit your needs: (the first three DK_ vars need editing (attention to line 22 and 24 -- here i 4 needs editing) the rest of the code should work)
After customizing the code follow these instructions:
CONS: Missing share data capabilities but it is an upcoming fix.
So far so good, dual booting Windows 7 and FreeBSD by taking full advantage of the machine resources. The mix involves hosting the FreeBSD root partition on same hard drive with Windows but booting from SD/USB drive … may be tested beyond the two mentioned OSes.
Recommended to install Windows 7 first and leave a partition for FreeBSD. Assuming you investigated the system and gained info on which MBR partition you’re going to host your FreeBSD root, and your boot SD/USB drive flash memory is at least 2GB – you are ready to customize the following code to fit your needs: (the first three DK_ vars need editing (attention to line 22 and 24 -- here i 4 needs editing) the rest of the code should work)
while true; do
read -p "$1 " yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) return 0;;
[Nn]* ) return 1;;
* ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
# well, first i'll try to delete the partition reservewd for fbsd
# now -i 4 (index 4) may be different on other installs config
echo "Wait few min until we wipe /dev/${DK_part}"
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/${DK_part} bs=1M count=1600
gpart delete -i 4 ${DK_fix}
sleep 2
gpart add -t freebsd ${DK_fix}
sleep 1
gpart create -s bsd ${DK_part}
sleep 1
# Add a partition for the freebsd root directory
gpart add -s 260G -t freebsd-ufs ${DK_part}
sleep 2
gpart add -s 9G -t freebsd-swap ${DK_part}
sleep 2
glabel label swap /dev/${DK_part}b
sleep 1
echo "Done Adding partitions root and swap to ${DK_part}"
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# USB disk as boot (i am using an SD card 32G)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/${DK_usb} bs=64K count=1600
gpart create -s mbr ${DK_usb}
sleep 2
gpart bootcode -b /boot/mbr ${DK_usb}
sleep 2
gpart add -t freebsd ${DK_usb}
sleep 2
gpart set -a active -i 1 ${DK_usb}
sleep 1
#Create BSD slice for MBR disk
gpart create -s bsd ${DK_usb}s1
sleep 2
gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot ${DK_usb}s1
sleep 2
# one G for boot files
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 4k -s 1G ${DK_usb}s1
sleep 2
glabel label boot /dev/${DK_usb}s1a
sleep 2
echo "Done creating MBR on USB disks"
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a folder to store GELI related files on /boot
mkdir -p /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/prv
sleep 1
# Create a key file
dd if=/dev/random of=/tmp/bsdinstall_boot/prv/the.key bs=64 count=1
sleep 1
# Initialise the GELI device to encrypt (K newfile / k existing file)
geli init -e AES-XTS -l 128 -s 4096 -b -K /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/prv/the.key /dev/${DK_part}a
sleep 2
# Attach the GELI device
geli attach -k /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/prv/the.key /dev/${DK_part}a
sleep 2
echo "Done Configuring the GELI container"
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Create File Systems
newfs -U /dev/${DK_usb}s1a
sleep 1
newfs -U /dev/${DK_part}a.eli
sleep 1
echo "Done Creating File Systems"
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Mount the /boot and other tasks
mount /dev/${DK_part}a.eli /mnt
sleep 2
mkdir /mnt/yourchoice
mount /dev/${DK_usb}s1a /mnt/yourchoice
sleep 2
mkdir /mnt/yourchoice/boot
mkdir /mnt/yourchoice/boot/prv
cd /mnt
ln -s yourchoice/boot /mnt/boot
sleep 2
cp /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/prv/the.key /mnt/yourchoice/boot/prv/the.key
sleep 2
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Create Preliminary fstab ee /tmp/bsdinstall_etc/fstab
echo "# Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump" > /tmp/bsdinstall_etc/fstab
echo "/dev/${DK_part}a.eli / ufs rw 1 1" >> /tmp/bsdinstall_etc/fstab
echo "/dev/da0s1a /yourchoice ufs rw 2 2" >> /tmp/bsdinstall_etc/fstab
echo "/dev/${DK_part}b.eli none swap sw 0 0" >> /tmp/bsdinstall_etc/fstab
sleep 2
# Create loader.conf
echo "aesni_load=\"YES\"" > /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/loader.conf
echo "geom_eli_load=\"YES\"" >> /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/loader.conf
echo "geli_${DK_part}a_keyfile0_load=\"YES\"" >> /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/loader.conf
echo "geli_${DK_part}a_keyfile0_type=\"${DK_part}a:geli_keyfile0\"" >> /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/loader.conf
echo "geli_${DK_part}a_keyfile0_name=\"/boot/prv/the.key\"" >> /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/loader.conf
echo "vfs.root.mountfrom=\"ufs:${DK_part}a.eli\"" >> /tmp/bsdinstall_boot/loader.conf
sleep 2
echo "Done Creating Preliminary files"
# -------------------------------------------------------------
if promptyn "Do you want to continue to USB? (Y/n)"; then
if promptyn "Do you want to continue to GELI? (Y/n)"; then
if promptyn "Do you want to continue to File SYS? (Y/n)"; then
if promptyn "Do you want to continue to Mounting TMPs? (Y/n)"; then
if promptyn "Do you want to continue to CONFIG TMPs? (Y/n)"; then
gpart show | more
if promptyn "Ready to exit shell and continue freebsd install? (Y/n)"; then
exit 1
exit 1
exit 1
exit 1
exit 1
exit 1
After customizing the code follow these instructions:
- Insert a FreeBSD DVD into your CD drive and boot from it
- Select install and continue through the installation process setting whatever options you want, until you get to the "Partitioning" menu where you should select "Shell"
- Insert the bootable SD/USB flash memory – here you will see on the screen if DK_usb in the code is da0, da1 or whatever. Take note to make sure the above code is corrected.
- After all modifications copy the code to another memory stick as file.
- Insert your memory stick in the USB port of the computer you started the FreeBSD install
- The screen will show you the device name, i.e. da2; da4
- Create mount point:
mkdir /tmp/usb
- Assuming it's a MBR partition you should mount the drive with
mount –t msdosfs /dev/da1s1 /tmp/usb
- make sure you have the file with
cat /tmp/usb/
chmod +x /tmp/usb/
sh /tmp/usb/
and answer yes to all prompts if no errors - type
after the code finished and continue the installation - … when ready to reboot make sure you have only the boot SD/USB plugged in – no CD either.