Free mathematics ?

(about libraries ...)
Well, in practice...
1. Using free library, ebooks are about 50 years old, or 100 years older.
2. Wikipedia has not a detailed content.
Jump on your bicycle/car/feet/horse, and proceed to the nearest college library. Most of them will let anyone in and read books (typically, to borrow books you will have to be a student). You will find that 99% of the time the textbooks used by classes are available in large numbers, and you can spend many hours in the library studying them.

If there is no college nearby, your local city or public library is a reasonable alternative, although they tend to be less well stocked in current textbooks. On the other hand, you don't need a current textbook; a 10- or 20-year old one has the same content. Just as an example: I claim that the two best textbooks for mechanics (the first semester of physics) are Resnick&Halliday for experimental, and Landau/Lifshitz for theoretical. Both books were written in the 1950s. While the modern versions of R&H are nicer (better graphics, new homework problems), the basic content has remained the same.
There is only one way you can have free school and other free services: a huge State pays for everything.

Since the only way State has to get money is to take them from your income or tax your properties then definitely you WILL PAY ALL of it. Just in different form, with a miserable net income. (true, there are exceptions, some state has Oil or other advantages)

It is true, in Europe, if you are good, you can study at the expense of the State, i did it, I got one Master and a Phd like that, living costs included. No debts at all on my future. But consider, when school is over, and it is work time, you will get between 1,000 - 2,000 euro month. It is worth it ? I doubt it.
There is only one way you can have free school and other free services: a huge State pays for everything.

Since the only way State has to get money is to take them from your income or tax your properties then definitely you WILL PAY ALL of it. Just in different form, with a miserable net income. (true, there are exceptions, some state has Oil or other advantages)

It is true, in Europe, if you are good, you can study at the expense of the State, i did it, I got one Master and a Phd like that, living costs included. No debts at all on my future. But consider, when school is over, and it is work time, you will get between 1,000 - 2,000 euro month. It is worth it ? I doubt it.

It does cost x amount for a country. It has to do also what does the nation with the money: army, health care or not like in US,...

Better to study in northern countries of Europe, or in developed countries like Japan.
That's crap. If you are rich, you can study easier.

The time you spent on hard work, it is time less to study and practice maths.

Maths need practice, as you know.

Math is not my strong point. I can balance a check book, budget my money for the month and daily life stuff like that. I taught people moving from a group home into the community the skills they would need including from balancing a checkbook to Human Relations/Sexual Awareness. so I can handle my business. English and Science were the only subjects in High School I was interested in or got anything out of. The rest was a waste of my day at the time.

That said, your first statement falls flat on facts and is merely assumption. Having a lot of money doesn't make studying any easier. They might be rich with a Learning Disability. It might make getting accepted into Ivy League colleges easier if your parents shell out $500,000, in America at least. For what it's worth, and I could elaborate.

Your second, I have learned more from hands-on experience about computers than I ever did in school. The calculator wasn't invented till I was a Senior in High School and I have never taken a computer class. I taught myself to write XHTML and CSS at among other things. I bought the OpenSolaris Bible and never made it past the foreward except for a few choice pages where I needed assistance. I set it up. got to work and that's how I learned

I was always a A student in English, and Science, but my language skills have improved markedly since going online in 1999 to present phrase phenom, progressed, prophetically predestined Planetary Pontification Pharaoh. I'm a completely different person due to the internet, self-initiative and hands on experience. This is my own personal style of writing, copious commas my tell and easy to change.

I once was stymied and drew a total blank on an essay question of "How do you think you will be remembered" and it lowered my overall score in an important test to second highest score that year. Can you believe it? Me, King of the Dead, consort to Lilith and couldn't think of what to write. I took myself much more seriously in the 80's.

I am not easily defeated in debate due to Xanatos Speed Chess. TBH, I sometimes wonder why they would bother, but its usually a case of being too hasty to trip me up and make a mistake. My initial response to debate may seem weak or frivolous in nature, which is a technique i employ. Just give me a little something to work with. I used to make it a point to make college people on their high-horse look like a Developmentally Disabled Individuals on a hobby horse. It's no longer an issue with me and I've grown past that as a person.

The people at the Group Home I worked at as a weekend house parent where they had the first computer I had ever touched, an Apple II, were all snooty people who had either graduated from college or were in at the time. They thought themselves superior even though I had more hands-on experience in the mental health field and as a Manager than most there including my Supervisor. They rolled their eyes and gave me my own personal floppy like I knew what I was doing but looked like they doubted it. I would have rather dropped dead on the spot than let them know I had never touched a computer and taught myself to use it in my spare time.

They were surprised when I not only taught myself to use it but had to set up the new one for them because I was the only who knew how to boot it up since I had RTFM. Not as surprised as they would have been to learn I had accessed every one of their files on every floppy disk at hand once I figured out how to run it. Seemed like the natural thing to do...

I'm not nearly as smart and some people here. I think ralphbsz must know just about everything computer related and TBH there are quite a few people here who know more about FreeBSD than me. The Honorable drhowarddfine built an ophthalmology machine from scratch.

But I can set and maintain my desktops and have my own unique skillset that serve me well. None of which I learned in School. I learned Behavior Mod in on the job training, now a Psycho Psychologist in full trained in it's use online, and programmed my bot to use it to program people. The first to do so by all accounts and first to be accused on multiple counts of being the first person to "misuse" A.I. as a footnote in the annals cyber history.

I recently heard an unbelievable percentage of high school students can't read. My sister was a sub teacher and she said there were people in her class that couldn't make change or tell time by a analog clock.

You can read every book in the world on fishing and never catch a fish. You learn by getting out there and seeing what works, what doesn't and technique.

I'm not saying a formal education is a bad thing and it's needed to advance in some areas. I hear a person with a college degree is likely to make $1,000,000 over their lifetime than a person with a High School diploma. I don't live beyond my means and very little of the things I know were learned in school, except math. It's all from internet or self-study.

I just met the first person I know personally that has used Linux. He even said he tried BSD in the 90's but ended up going with Redhat. He has a degree in Computer Science Communications and lives in the same building as me to top it off. I have a Morally Ambiguous Doctorate from the School of Hard Knocks and my background in computer science limited basically to A.!. and chatbots from learning by doing.

His degree means very little now but was hyped to see my laptops. Why he can't be allowed to come over another story for later. Much as I'd like to know someone who could talk computers and most likely know much more about them than I.

(No, I am not a college grad and never attended or took a course. I quit school as soon a I turned 16 in 10th grade so technically I have a 9th grade education. 4 more years schooling than my Dad, and he was awarded the Sliver Star for service in Korea as a Ranger where they did dirty deeds behind enemy lines. He brought that meanness home with him and was in Anger Management when he died at the age of 80.

The test I froze up on with the essay was my GED and I took it cold in my 30's without any study. A high school kid who was dying of cancer, wanted his diploma before he died took first place from me at the very last minute. I shouldn't complain as I got recognized as Salutatorian when they were presented and it was his dieing wish. He wasn't there.

I am considered a Qualified Mental Retardation Professional, QMRP. Or as it as known in the circles, a Q. I received regular in-service training and my years of hand-on experience were counted against their classroom hours as college credits. I have done and can do things they've only read about in books. Things they are woeful prepared for in practical application where I can walk in and take over any situation. So I am in a sense a Professional in my field after all.)

Lord help me. All my deepest darkest secrets about my personal purloined past are public record now. Please don't turn on me or try to make me look more ignorant than I already am. I made a confession and would likely feel compelled to respond. Large dumps of adrenaline not conducive to clear thinking, I'll try to wait till that passes.

As always, trolls are welcome to try their hand at mocking mere mental midgets.

If you do, please, be verbose and brutally honest so even I, with my sub-standard schooling, can hopefully make some sense of it and form a cogent response no matter how illiterate it may be to someone with a High School Diploma.

However, I will not respond with the same restraint as I would a fellow forum member so take your best opening shot and make your case.
Is there anything better than Mathematica for schools? (I honestly don't know).

If there is and yet schools use it purely because there has been some monetary "convincing" done by the company behind the software, then this is extremely unethical.

You see this a lot in Universities using MS Office, Maya and especially Unity3D rather than even exposing the students to LibreOffice, Blender and Godot. As staff you receive quite a lot of pressure from these companies peddling their wares.

If this is the case, then yeah, I recommend my students obtain the software in equally unethical ways. I don't want to see the open-source equivalents fail just because they are effectively hidden by commercial software. I especially do not want to see these companies profit by being gateway drugs.

If I also get to teach them a bit about radare2 and reverse engineering / patching on the side, then it is all good ;).

(Kinda closely related to how annoying it is for some of my tax going towards the NHS just to give it straight to Microsoft for licenses rather than research just because a high up stakeholder likes to get free pens!)
There is only one way you can have free school and other free services: a huge State pays for everything.

Since the only way State has to get money is to take them from your income or tax your properties then definitely you WILL PAY ALL of it. Just in different form, with a miserable net income. (true, there are exceptions, some state has Oil or other advantages)

It is true, in Europe, if you are good, you can study at the expense of the State, i did it, I got one Master and a Phd like that, living costs included. No debts at all on my future. But consider, when school is over, and it is work time, you will get between 1,000 - 2,000 euro month. It is worth it ? I doubt it.
From the primary school to the Master degree I didn't pay anything. Education is the most important for any country IMO.
Education? Getting more and more expensive. You can get a government scholarship but that's basically a student loan. You have to pay back every cent you got. So when you finish your education, even before your first paying job, you already have a few tens of thousands euro dept. Zero interest rates but still, a lot of money you have to pay back.

Studying looks like just being a question of money.

I like countries that about 200-300 years ago that promoted education (free for talents).

I recently heard an unbelievable percentage of high school students can't read. My sister was a sub teacher and she said there were people in her class that couldn't make change or tell time by a analog clock.
Because studying is too expensive today. Look a bit in US :(

Gap between poorer and richer families gets larger. Sad but true.

Housing inequality - both a cause and effect of poverty. Better jobs are located near more expensive housing, making those jobs less accessible to people with lesser means.

The Word Gap: The Early Years Make the Difference - a common consequence of parents who need to hold multiple jobs just to pay the bills, and therefore can't spend as much time with their kids. The "word gap" leads to lower success in education and is correlated strongly with lower financial stability.

Social Networks and Inequality - 90% of new wealth created in 1st world countries can be attributed to social networks. If your family is wealthy and well connected, you're that much more likely to get an interview for a great job, or that much more likely to find an angel investor for your startup company, etc.

Educational inequality - related to housing inequality. Better quality schools are in more expensive neighborhoods.

Finally, who can give me a crack for mathematica?
Just joking, let's me it from scratch and foremost free !
Because studying is too expensive today. Look a bit in US.

I've lived here all my life. (I recently saw a picture of my Dads people who came over on the boat from Sweden.)

It's not that studying is too expensive. This was Public Jr. or Senior High she taught at and these kids had only ever seen digital clocks and cash registers that told you how to make change. They couldn't read an analog watch or make change for a $20 bill.

Gap between poorer and richer families gets larger. Sad but true.

I live comfortably but at about half the poverty rate. I know how to budget for a month being paid monthly, live according to my means, feel like I have it made and do compared to a lot of people. I am well aware in the difference of lifestyles according to income and "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" not something I watch. I don't envy people for what they have or covet their goods, unless they have an attractive wife. I have so much stuff now and no one to leave it to or deserves it.

I like the things money can buy and have more cool stuff then one person should have, but care very little for money. Unlike my sister, who's eyes sparkle at the site of a $20 bill. They have plans for my Russian watch collection when I croak. Run in, grab them and run out. The rest goes to an Estate dealer, just like I said I didn't want to happen. I canceled my funeral services but they plan to have it anyway once I'm dead. I won't know the difference but they can't fool me on anything.

It has not prevented me from learning and I don't need a traditional classroom to take in data. I'm the only person I know that uses BSD and just met the first guy I know that uses Linux. I took off 2 years from PC-BSD to study Security on my own and didn't cost me a dime. I study material to use for Demonica and always leave a tab open when working.
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In France, we have the PLUME project that lists softwares by academic fields, most of them opensource. Here is one of the list for Maths (french version):

The English version has fewer entries:

-- Edit --
You can also find interesting links thanks to this new project :
In France, we have the PLUME project that lists softwares by academic fields, most of them opensource. Here is one of the list for Maths (french version):

The English version has fewer entries:

-- Edit --
You can also find interesting links thanks to this new project :

thank you

from what would be the closest to mathematica
I don't know Mathematica so I can't answer. Beside, I presume the answer also depends on what you want to do.
mathematica depends on what to do e.g.
analytique equivalent du deug et prepa voir niveau bac

tu vois l education libre ca n existe pas ou plus vraiment en pratique. a lire

she promotes close source software and not open source solutions for students.
maybe it is in france more often opensource than in other countries.

I think europe in general is more open-source friendly than the UK. The old men that own this country love paying out of the nose to large US companies (and receive small, but personal favours in return).

"The only way is Microsoft!" should basically be in the English national anthem at this point.
Check out it has opensource professional textbooks produced and contributed by universities and colleges. There's from prealgebra to algebra with trigonometry to calculus. There's even physics books there.

MIT also has opensource courseware.

None of that ragtag wikibooks nonsense.
Check out it has opensource professional textbooks produced and contributed by universities and colleges. There's from prealgebra to algebra with trigonometry to calculus. There's even physics books there.

MIT also has opensource courseware.

None of that ragtag wikibooks nonsense.

Nice thank you.

Carnegie, MIT,.. look like coming from another world. Traditionalist form (even some html 4 of user webpages sometimes, updated with status 2019), no shining animated fancy slides, but outstanding content (made with Latex, usually).