My laptop is a dell latitude 7240 with a Haswell cpu.
Mate Desktop is installed.
My goal is to get the “fn” working to change the screen brightness.
I installed https://www.freshports.org/graphics/intel-backlight and I can change the screen brightness by entering ,for.e.g, “intel_backlight=40”.
It works as well by doing “ hw.acpi.video.lcd0.brightness=40”.
I followed the instructions in this post http://www.daemonology.net/blog/2020-05-22-my-new-FreeBSD-laptop-Dell-7390.html where the author said:
“I want to be able to control the brightness of the screen (aka. the backlight connected to the Intel video chipset):
# pkg install intel-backlight
and in particular to be able to control it via the function keys (Fn+Up, Fn+Down) which Dell exposes via ACPI:
# echo 'acpi_video_load="YES"' >> /boot/loader.conf
# cp /usr/local/share/examples/intel-backlight/acpi-video-intel-backlight.conf \
/usr/local/etc/devd/ “
The keys associated for the screen brightness are the “Fn” and the top arrow to increase the brightness and the down arrow to decrease.
The problem is when I press the “fn” key with one of those keys, nothing happens but I can see the screen very slightly flashing but there is no light increased or decreased.
Please note the “fn” key is working fine if I want to change the keyboard backlight by pressing “fn” and the right arrow .
How can I use the “fn” key to modify the screen brightness ?
Thank you for your help.
My laptop is a dell latitude 7240 with a Haswell cpu.
Mate Desktop is installed.
My goal is to get the “fn” working to change the screen brightness.
I installed https://www.freshports.org/graphics/intel-backlight and I can change the screen brightness by entering ,for.e.g, “intel_backlight=40”.
It works as well by doing “ hw.acpi.video.lcd0.brightness=40”.
I followed the instructions in this post http://www.daemonology.net/blog/2020-05-22-my-new-FreeBSD-laptop-Dell-7390.html where the author said:
“I want to be able to control the brightness of the screen (aka. the backlight connected to the Intel video chipset):
# pkg install intel-backlight
and in particular to be able to control it via the function keys (Fn+Up, Fn+Down) which Dell exposes via ACPI:
# echo 'acpi_video_load="YES"' >> /boot/loader.conf
# cp /usr/local/share/examples/intel-backlight/acpi-video-intel-backlight.conf \
/usr/local/etc/devd/ “
The keys associated for the screen brightness are the “Fn” and the top arrow to increase the brightness and the down arrow to decrease.
The problem is when I press the “fn” key with one of those keys, nothing happens but I can see the screen very slightly flashing but there is no light increased or decreased.
Please note the “fn” key is working fine if I want to change the keyboard backlight by pressing “fn” and the right arrow .
How can I use the “fn” key to modify the screen brightness ?
Thank you for your help.