[Fluxbox] aterm colors

hi.I have aterm on fluxbox.
This is my .Xdefaults
aterm*loginShell:               true
aterm*background:               black
aterm*transparent:              true
!aterm*shading:                  70
aterm*cursorColor:              red
aterm*saveLines:                2000
!aterm*tinting:                  gray
aterm*scrollBar:                false
!aterm*scrollBar_right:         true
aterm*transpscrollbar:          true
aterm*borderwidth:              0
aterm*pointerColor:             red
aterm*font:                     edges
aterm*fading:                   0
aterm*boldFont:                 edges
aterm*geometry:                 80x25

! terminal colors ------------------------------------------------------------

*color0:    #2E3436
*color8:    #555753

*color1:    #D50000
*color9:    #EF2929

*color2:    #59E000
*color10:   #8AE234

! yellow
*color3:    #FFD000
*color11:   #FCE94F

*color4:    #3EB5FF
*color12:   #729FCF

*color5:    #9C1EB0
*color13:   #AD7FA8

*color6:    #06989A
*color14:   #34E2E2

*color7:    #E2E6DF
*color15:   #EEEEEC

running very good but only if i command ls -G!!!
With simple ls all colors are gray (aterm*foreground:gray)!
Also bold colors not working and when i open second terminal the first go to "backround" and a little disappeared!
How can i fix this 3 problems?
you need to add alias for ls in ~/.cshrc or ~/.shrc dependin on which shell you use.
open these files, there will be sample, how to create aliases
ok.To be sure i create alias in both files.
for .shrc
alias ls='ls -G'

for .cshrc
alias ls ls -G

logout & login again,open aterm but no changes.
After a lot of googling i fixed it and now i have aterm colorised and bold :)
but really piss me off that everytime i click somewhere in my screen all my terminal colors become black x(
No because worked with aterm :)
ok.I Created a file in /home/***** named .bashrc

PS1='\[\e[1;31m\][\u@\h \W]\$\[\e[0m\] '
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias ls='ls -G'

Also i changed a little my .Xdefaults and i removed aterm*loginshell line and all color section.
This is my .Xdefaults now

!aterm*loginShell:		true
aterm*background:               black
aterm*foreground:               cyan
aterm*transparent:              true
!aterm*shading:                  70
aterm*cursorColor:              red
aterm*saveLines:                2000
!aterm*tinting:                 gray
aterm*scrollBar:                false
!aterm*scrollBar_right:         true
aterm*transpscrollbar:          true
aterm*borderwidth:              0
Aterm*pointerColor:     	red
aterm*font:     		snap
aterm*fading:                   0
aterm*boldFont:			&snap
aterm*geometry:			80x25
I logout and when i logged in back and open a terminal,ls worked colorized :)
i install it.It is very good!!!!!!i set it as my default terminal (first executable in fluxbox menu) :)
also i set some options for effects in my .Xdefaults

urxvt*transparent:         			true
urxvt*shading:              			70
!urxvt*tint:                   			colour
urxvt*inheritPixmap:       			true
urxvt*font:     				snap
urxvt*background:           		black
urxvt*foreground:            		cyan
urxvt*cursorColor:              		red
urxvt*boldFont:				snap

Also this terminal resolved my problem that when i was clicking anywhere in my screen my terminal was "disappearing"
I love this terminal!!!!