Firewall-Rules for spamd (pfspamd/obspamd)


By adding in /usr/local/etc/spamd.conf for example:


Then, in /etc/mywhite add IPs you don't want to pass through spamd (e.g. your local network).Then restarting 2 daemons.

If you use default settings for greylisting you have to wait 25 minutes if you don't try again to send the same message. Or you can always drop spamd db file and then restart 2 daemons.
Well, for dynamic IP-Adresses this is difficult or almost impossible to maintain.

I guess I will have to use another port for the clients then or let Postfix handle the Greylisting.

Thanks for your help.
I don't know how the IP addresses are handled in Bulgaria, but here every 24h I get a new IP address which results in a new hostname (reverse lookup).

e.g. 12-23-44-55.dyn-hosts.provider.tld

After 24h your have


So this is no option :(

No, this is not a hostname, it is a PTR.

You can use DynDNS service (multi-OS service) for example (there is a lot more like it) to get a hostname for your IP address, and then to place the hostname in the file.
Right, I thought you were talking about PTR.

The DynDNS service might be a solution for a few systems/network, but is there a DynDNS-Service for the iPhone e.g?