Firefox web page display corruption


I've noticed that on a few web pages on different sites, Firefox corrupts the display of the page by repeating the display of the page within the main page, several times?

I don't think this easy to explain in words, so I'm attaching a screenshot. This happens on many different websites, e.g.,, etc.

A solution to this would be highly appreciated as this is quite annoying. This is on firefox 3.0.5 with adblock and flashblock installed, and I don't think those extensions are responsible. One way I have found around this is to disable the styling of the page by using View -> Page Style -> No Style.


  • slackware_com.jpg
    116.8 KB · Views: 495
  • reyooz_com.jpg
    116.6 KB · Views: 473
I can confirm experiencing the same issue:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008122908 Firefox/3.0.5

FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE #5: Thu Nov 27 21:49:28 EST 2008  i386

It only happens with firefox3 -- www/firefox doesn't suffer from the same problem. Lemmie throw Firefox into safe mode to make sure it isn't a plugin/extension (because I'm running NoScript and AdBlock+ too).

EDIT: Yep, it still happens when running with firefox3 -safe-mode. As a note, I think it's an issue with their image stuff -- I remember reading somewhere that in Firefox3 they deallocate uncompressed image data when it isn't being rendered. It feels like they're not re-uncompressing it when it's needed again; images which load off the edges of the page will sometimes show up completely black. Sometimes an image will display fine until you switch tabs around, after which it'll be broken again.

As a note, Firefox 3 has done it as long as I can remember -- this isn't a recently-introduced issue.
Yay! I found the solution, at least for Nvidia display drivers. Put the following under the Device section for your card in xorg.conf. I put it after the 'Driver "nv"' line.

Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"

This solved the problem completely.

I found this mentioned in another thread about Firefox somewhere on this forum...

I have some corruptions when firefox resize images, some black stripes are displayed while the normal strips are shifted.
Firefox 3, Xorg and radeon driver.

I'm going to try the option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps".
tobe said:

I have some corruptions when firefox resize images, some black stripes are displayed while the normal strips are shifted.
Firefox 3, Xorg and radeon driver.

I'm going to try the option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps".

It fix the problem, thanks :)