Firefox: strange behaviour after upgrade

After upgrading, I am having again problems with firefox.

Previously, I clicked the right button on a link and released it, to get a menu,
or clicked left button on the star in the url entry field to access a form for bookmarks.

Now, the menu disappears immediately after releasing the button. It is a problem when I must fill the form.

Is anyone having this problem?

EDIT: I just discovered that the menu/form remains if I click and go away with the pointer from the menu/form,
but if I go into it to fill it, it disappears and cannot fill it. And this happens with all menus, also with the menu bar:
after enter a menu, it disappears.

It is terrible. chrome is not anymore on FreeBSD 12, there is no alternative browser.
New discovering:

I do not have the problem if I use cwm instead of twm.

Have I to decide between twm or cwm only to have a browser?!
It may seem strange. But I solved the weirdest problems just by clearing Firefox cache. It It has happened many times that it didn't open at all or crashed constantly and even the icons were mixed up. I solved the problem just by doing this:

rm -rf ~/.cache/mozilla
It may seem strange. But I solved the weirdest problems just by clearing Firefox cache.
No. I cleared everithing in .mozilla, and the problem remained.

Calling firefox with


As T-Daemon wrote, does work, but now navigating the Bookmarks menu stop when it opens a submenu.

Every new release of firefox is worse. When will come an alternative?!
Every new release of firefox is worse. When will come an alternative?!
I'm running Firefox version 111.0.1 on FreeBSD 13.1 and honestly I'm very happy with it. I don't use FreeBSD 12 anymore but maybe some of these problems are related to the current version of your FreeBSD.
As T-Daemon wrote, does work, but now navigating the Bookmarks menu stop when it opens a submenu.
Try, in addition to the XDG environment in .xinitrc, widget.gtk.grab-pointer = 1 (or "0") in about:config, as suggested from the Mozilla bugzilla issue thread facedebouc pointed out.

Every new release of firefox is worse.
It looks like twm, fvwm, and derivates are considered not worthy spending time on them:
Emilio Cobos Álvarez (emilio)
Comment 32

... this affects a tiny fraction of our Linux users (those using somewhat exotic/old non-compositing WMs), so I don't think it's worth spending a lot of extra time on it.
It looks like twm, fvwm, and derivates are considered not worthy spending time on them:
And the time we spend configuring firefox and the time the lag of other windows managers produce is worth spending?!

It is terrible that we are dependent of few bloated web browsers that are becoming unusable in our OS.

Unfortunately changing widget.gtk.grab-pointer does not solve the problem in case.
There are at least two still working alternatives: ungoogled-chromium and iridium browsers. A chromium-based Opera's reincarnation is named otter-browser now. Qute and Luakit are two very peculiar and exciting browsers. And finally Lynx, the pure text browser. Vivaldi and others are available via Linux layer, sorry.
No. Chromium and Iridium do not run on FreeBSD 12. The browsers you mention are all buggy.
Browsers on linux layer seem not to work:

I am having again problems with firefox.
It is terrible. chrome is not anymore on FreeBSD 12, there is no alternative browser.
Just to understand, if you use FreeBSD as desktop then why don't you switch to the last version(at least 13.1), and stay out of trouble ?
Just to understand, if you use FreeBSD as desktop then why don't you switch to the last version(at least 13.1), and stay out of trouble ?
Becuase 12.4 is still in production, I work with the computer, and my work is not to test operating systems.
Try, in addition to the XDG environment in .xinitrc, widget.gtk.grab-pointer = 1 (or "0") in about:config, as suggested from the Mozilla bugzilla issue thread facedebouc pointed out.

It looks like twm, fvwm, and derivates are considered not worthy spending time on them:

That's bad, but I think the bigger question is - why do they use features that would require on unrequire a compositing WM in the first place? Why does that even exist as a concept?
Becuase 12.4 is still in production, I work with the computer, and my work is not to test operating systems.
For a server usage I could understand your approach with all settings or programs that require some specific libraries, vms, jails, etc ... it's a lot of work, for a desktop on the other hand it's not risky to upgrade apart from saving your personal data before.
When you don't upgrade, after a certain amount of time troubles can be expected especially while using an OS primary designed for servers, honestly I am not surprised by your complain.

Web browsers upgrade regularly (that and other desktop components) and I can't imagine the work that have to be done to make them usable on every FBSD versions, it would be better to give the developers the lesser work as possible if all desktop users were using the same FBSD version, I am may be wrong on this, I just share my opinion feel free to disagree.
Web browsers upgrade regularly
a) because their makers try to monetize some not so obvious features to their users.
b) because they need to fix security holes mostly after having introduced new code of the sort like a)
c) this is circular and will never end until the product is abandoned.