Firefox changing menu background colors when not in focus

I recently updated my desktop system from Firefox 109 to Firefox 117. Now the background color of the menu and tab bars change depending whether or not the window is selected. If the window is selected, it has the background color #475057 and the menu options are enabled (left side of image below). If the window isn't selected, it has the background color #EFF0F1 and the menu options are disabled (right side of image). Also, when the active window is dragged, the background color temporarily changes to #EFF0F1 with the menu options disabled until the drag operation is complete.

Prior to the update, the background color would be #EFF0F1 and the menu options would be enabled (dark text) regardless of whether or not the window was active, and regardless of dragging. (I just confirmed this on a different system that hasn't been updated.)

Adjusting theme settings within Firefox had no effect on this. I also searched about:config and saw a lot of colors defined, but none where the two listed above, and playing with some of them that mentioned focus didn't seem to have an effect.

I use FVWM2 and have it configured to have the focus follow the mouse, so it's kind of annoying to have things flash as I move the mouse across the screen and happen to touch a Firefox window. Plus it's annoying to have it change while dragging. There were several other updates (updating from 13.1-RELEASE-p3 to 13.2-RELEASE-p2, followed by pkg update / pkg upgrade for all installed packages) but this appears to only be happening in Firefox.

Any thoughts on how I could get it back to the old behavior?
