find + pkg delete {} [SOLVED]

Hi everybody,

Sorry, i didn't find any section to introduce myself. If it's required may you please show me the way :)

I am not an English native speaker, so maybe sometimes my words might seem weird.

This is my first FreeBSD set up, so i am still learning the basics.

I first installed KDE5 then went back to I3.

After running pkg delete kde5there are still a lot of kthings in my /usr/local/bin/

So I ran doas find k* -exec pkg delete {} \; and it worked fine.

Then I ran doas find plasm* -exec pkg delete {} \; to get rid of what was left, but it doesn't work.

The command gives me:
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
1 packages requested for removal: 0 locked, 1 missing
No packages matched for pattern 'plasmathemeexplorer'

I don't understand, i thought i did twice the same command.

May somebody explain me.
