Financial contribution to port developer

Hi All,

Not sure where to post this, so thought to do it here.

Is there a way to financially contribute to a developer who is working on a particular port which directly benefit me.

Asking maintainer or looking into their online presence for webpages and such where they may have shared ways to support them would be the best route.
There was some effort to bring in content to the ports tree for supporting maintainers but the way it was brought in and then reverted back out made it seem like it wasn't an officially agreed upon idea. If they were one of the few involved in trying to bring that in then details may be found going through the revision history.
Keep in mind that the maintainer of a port may or may not be related to maintaining the project that was ported and they may or may not pass along funding to it too in case you want to make sure the main project is receiving some support and that your funding efforts is done in an expected ratio.
Less related but the FreeBSD foundation and other individual contributors may also sometimes contribute to efforts improving the port and infrastructure that made it possible. Sometimes a maintainer is more of a point of contact/organization to keep a port going even if doing the work is beyond their abilities alone; such a maintainer may be different from the usual "expectations" but can also be an important role to keep things progressing better for a port.
I do financially (and through coding in very very limited capacity) to FreeBSD. Also to all open source communities which I use in my business.

But sometimes, it feels a specific funding to the maintainer (actual coder) will encourage continuos engagement which will benefit me anyway.
IMO, folks who are interested in particular applications typically don't need "incentivizing". While they might welcome an unsolicited "gift", they likely would maintain their efforts just because it is important (or interesting/challenging/engaging) to them.