I created a script to download some large files and proceed only if they are completely downloaded; since the files are large I need the resume (-r) and preserve (-R) options:
Now suppose on the first run of this script, URL1 is completely downloaded, but the rest are not. When the script is run again, fetch fails on URL1 and returns an overall error:
Is this a bug in fetch, or a bug in the web server? Note that the web server does report the size of each file, because I can see its full size and percent progress of the fetch.
fetch -r -R -o . URL1 URL2 URL3 ... || exit
Now suppose on the first run of this script, URL1 is completely downloaded, but the rest are not. When the script is run again, fetch fails on URL1 and returns an overall error:
fetch: URL1: Requested Range Not Satisfiable
Is this a bug in fetch, or a bug in the web server? Note that the web server does report the size of each file, because I can see its full size and percent progress of the fetch.