FBSD-14.1 Xorg gotcha - no mouse

After upgrading to 14.1 and installing my preferred desktop, xorg(nvidia) kept reporting that it couldn't find, or didn't know about, a driver associated with the mouse device and the loaded desktop was unusable. After several days of "spreading atoms across the universe" the fix was simple once I fully understood what to do.

For my setup the "sysmouse" device is supposed to be used, however "kern.edev.rcpt_mask" was set to "12" (referred to near the bottom of this Forum posting: "new-xorg-switch-from-devd-to-udev.74144/page-2") showed the system values for this sysctl (as could be also found in the proper system source file). This setting does not activate the "sysmouse" evdev and Xorg couldn't "find it", no matter what Xorg configuration or additional drivers or "rc.conf" supplied).

The fix: set "kern.evdev.rcpt_mask" to 13 (SYSMOUSE,HWMOUSE,HWKBD). I might have been successful with a value of 9 (SYSMOUSE,HWKBD) but did not pursue that option. Once this control was set - voila - mouse detected, Xorg is happy, and desktop is fully operational. Also note that to make this persistent, this needs to be added to '/etc/sysctl.conf'.

In earlier FBSD versions, this was not a problem (as least up to and including 13.2). So 14.x + Xorg + sysmouse users pay attention.