FBSD-14.1 slower than 13.2 in opening ssh tunneled app window

Using an SSH connection to a local, external, server and invoking a GVIM "session' now takes an average of 2.6 seconds before the GVIM window appears on my local system. Have Nvidia card and have tried versions 470 and 550 nvidia drivers. Nothing has changed within my local network other than my BSD system. Under FBSD-13.2, remote x-forwarded application windows would open up really fast. Can't find a clear reason as to why the big delay under FBSD-14.1.
in your $HOME/.ssh/config, have you tried adding the following (add to each host section or as a global host * at the top)
ObscureKeystrokeTiming "no"

OpenSSH added that to add security, the default is "yes". It adds random delay to keystrokes. I found it slowed the initial ssh in and then any X apps would take minutes to open.

In ALL of the many years that I have used OpenSSH - I have NEVER seen nor used that directive. Adding it to my SSH config file "did the job" - no more 2.5+ seconds delay! YAY!

I do A LOT of development using multiple to many concurrent GVIM sessions from multiple, local, development servers so the notable ssh change under FBSD-14.1 was pretty close to a "deal breaker/killer".

Must be a new change to OpenSSH (argh).

Thank you very much.