So I've been working with Freebsd now for 2 months. I'm currently running a couple of 7.0 servers including a PF firewall. Everyday I follow the same routine.
Followed by pkgdb -F, portsdb -Uu, portversion -l '<'
I then read both /usr/src/UPDATING and /usr/ports/UPDATING
Once I think everything is fine, I run portupgrade -arR and then portaudit -Fda.
Is this considered a proper approach to keeping the system to date?
I was also looking for some feedback on my PF.conf file. It took me a long time to understand everything but I feel somewhat secure with what I've constructed. Here it is:
norouteip = "{,,, }"
trusted_nets = "{ }"
trusted_hosts = "{}"
client_out="{ftp-data, cvspserver, ftp, ssh, domain, pop3, auth, nntp, http, https, 8080, 8000}"
www = "{80, 443}"
udp_services = "{domain, ntp}"
# Set Optimizations: Set some values to better utilize memory.
set block-policy drop
set limit { frags 5000, states 2500, src-nodes 2000 }
set loginterface $ext_if
set optimization aggressive
set timeout { interval 10, frag 30 }
#Normalization: reassemble fragments and resolve or reduce traffic #ambiguities.
scrub in on $ext_if all fragment reassemble min-ttl 15 max-mss 1400
scrub on $ext_if reassemble tcp
nat on $ext_if from $dmz_nets to any -> ($ext_if)
nat on $ext_if from $internal_nets to any -> ($ext_if)
rdr on $ext_if proto {tcp, udp} from $trusted_rdp to any port $rdp -> $rdp_server
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from $trusted_rdp to any port $www -> $www_server
block all
#needed this or nmap scans showed ports as filtered
block in quick on rl0 proto {tcp, udp} from any to any flags FUP/FUP
block quick on $ext_if from $bad_guys
pass in inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port $sshport
pass in inet proto tcp from $trusted_www to $www_server port $www keep state
pass in inet proto {tcp, udp} from $trusted_rdp to $rdp_server port $rdp keep state
pass out quick on $dmz_if proto tcp from $trusted_rdp to $www_server port $www keep state
pass out quick on $dmz_if proto tcp from $trusted_rdp to $rdp_server port $rdp keep state
pass out quick on $dmz_if proto tcp from $trusted_hosts to $www_ssh port 22 keep state
#Let traffic out for the External Interface
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $ext_if to any flags S/SA keep state
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto udp from $ext_if to any keep state
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto icmp from $ext_if to any keep state
#Outbound Rules for the Firewall
#Pass ISAKMP out
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto udp from $ext_if to any port = 500 keep state
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto udp from $ext_if to any port = 4500 keep state
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto esp from $ext_if to any keep state
#Allow cvsup to dmz hosts
pass in quick on $dmz_if inet proto tcp from any to any port cvsup keep state
pass out quick on $dmz_if inet proto tcp from any to any port cvsup keep state
#Let Internal Traffic Flow Freely to DMZ
pass in quick on $dmz_if inet proto tcp from $trusted_hosts to $dmz_nets keep state
pass inet proto tcp from $www_ssh to !$internal_nets port $sshport
pass inet proto tcp from to $www_ssh keep state
#Let Internal Traffic Flow out
pass inet proto tcp from $internal_nets to any port $client_out
pass inet proto udp from $internal_nets to any port $udp_services
#Let Trusted Host Anywhere
pass inet proto {tcp, udp, icmp} from $trusted_hosts to any keep state
Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll be able to contribute to this forum as time passes.
So I've been working with Freebsd now for 2 months. I'm currently running a couple of 7.0 servers including a PF firewall. Everyday I follow the same routine.
Followed by pkgdb -F, portsdb -Uu, portversion -l '<'
I then read both /usr/src/UPDATING and /usr/ports/UPDATING
Once I think everything is fine, I run portupgrade -arR and then portaudit -Fda.
Is this considered a proper approach to keeping the system to date?
I was also looking for some feedback on my PF.conf file. It took me a long time to understand everything but I feel somewhat secure with what I've constructed. Here it is:
norouteip = "{,,, }"
trusted_nets = "{ }"
trusted_hosts = "{}"
client_out="{ftp-data, cvspserver, ftp, ssh, domain, pop3, auth, nntp, http, https, 8080, 8000}"
www = "{80, 443}"
udp_services = "{domain, ntp}"
# Set Optimizations: Set some values to better utilize memory.
set block-policy drop
set limit { frags 5000, states 2500, src-nodes 2000 }
set loginterface $ext_if
set optimization aggressive
set timeout { interval 10, frag 30 }
#Normalization: reassemble fragments and resolve or reduce traffic #ambiguities.
scrub in on $ext_if all fragment reassemble min-ttl 15 max-mss 1400
scrub on $ext_if reassemble tcp
nat on $ext_if from $dmz_nets to any -> ($ext_if)
nat on $ext_if from $internal_nets to any -> ($ext_if)
rdr on $ext_if proto {tcp, udp} from $trusted_rdp to any port $rdp -> $rdp_server
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from $trusted_rdp to any port $www -> $www_server
block all
#needed this or nmap scans showed ports as filtered
block in quick on rl0 proto {tcp, udp} from any to any flags FUP/FUP
block quick on $ext_if from $bad_guys
pass in inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port $sshport
pass in inet proto tcp from $trusted_www to $www_server port $www keep state
pass in inet proto {tcp, udp} from $trusted_rdp to $rdp_server port $rdp keep state
pass out quick on $dmz_if proto tcp from $trusted_rdp to $www_server port $www keep state
pass out quick on $dmz_if proto tcp from $trusted_rdp to $rdp_server port $rdp keep state
pass out quick on $dmz_if proto tcp from $trusted_hosts to $www_ssh port 22 keep state
#Let traffic out for the External Interface
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $ext_if to any flags S/SA keep state
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto udp from $ext_if to any keep state
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto icmp from $ext_if to any keep state
#Outbound Rules for the Firewall
#Pass ISAKMP out
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto udp from $ext_if to any port = 500 keep state
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto udp from $ext_if to any port = 4500 keep state
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto esp from $ext_if to any keep state
#Allow cvsup to dmz hosts
pass in quick on $dmz_if inet proto tcp from any to any port cvsup keep state
pass out quick on $dmz_if inet proto tcp from any to any port cvsup keep state
#Let Internal Traffic Flow Freely to DMZ
pass in quick on $dmz_if inet proto tcp from $trusted_hosts to $dmz_nets keep state
pass inet proto tcp from $www_ssh to !$internal_nets port $sshport
pass inet proto tcp from to $www_ssh keep state
#Let Internal Traffic Flow out
pass inet proto tcp from $internal_nets to any port $client_out
pass inet proto udp from $internal_nets to any port $udp_services
#Let Trusted Host Anywhere
pass inet proto {tcp, udp, icmp} from $trusted_hosts to any keep state
Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll be able to contribute to this forum as time passes.