Solved ezjail-admin restore/ezjail-admin create -a fails with could not create jail mountpoint

I attempted a failed reconfiguration of my mail jail and thought I was quite clever by taking an ezjail-admin archive before messing around with delicate things.

The efforts did not go well and attempting to roll back changes just seemed to get weirder and weirder I decided to roll back to the archive. This is also not going as smoothly as I'd hoped.

ezjail-admin restore myjail yielded

Error: Could not create jail root mount point /usr/jails/shiofuki
Error: Create failed.

so I zfs renamed the mountpoint but now I get:

Error: Could not create jail root mount point /usr/jails/myjail

both ezjail-admin create -a and ezjail-admin restore yield the same results. There's not a lot of documentation for this - any ideas?

FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p8 #0 r360490
ezjail-admin delete -w jailname
rm -r /usr/jails/jailname
zfs destroy zroot/ezjail/jailname
ezjail-admin restore jailname

2G done 70G to go... fingers crossed.
The above worked just fine - ezjail-admin create/restore won't write to an existing partition or configuration, but do the right thing once those are nuked or renamed out of the way.