Exports Configuration

I recently upgraded from 14.0 to 14.1 using src. My /etc/exports file is as folllows:

V4: /                                                                                               -network
/Users/a/rrsum           -alldirs        -mapall=rrsum:rrsum                -network
/Users/b/carolynk       -alldirs        -mapall=carolynk:carolynk       -network
/usr/local                     -alldirs        -mapall=rrsum:rrsum               -network
I'm getting these errors on the console when I boot and I don't remember getting them before the upgrade (although what they indicate might have been true):
mountd[1595]: Warning: exporting /Users/a/rrsum exports entire /Users/a file system
mountd[1595]: Warning: exporting /Users/b/carolynk exports entire /Users/b file system
mountd[1595]: Warning: exporting /usr/local exports entire /usr file system
Can someone explain what I have wrong and suggest a correction? I have read through the exports man page multiple times, but still am at a loss.

If it matters, /Users/a and /Users/b are zfs filesystems and /usr is UFS.

Thanks in advance.


Those warnings are true for the current setup.

It seems on 14.1 mountd(8) now alerts the user when entire file systems are exported.

Here, pool/a , pool/b , /usr represent the root of three different file systems. Exporting a sub-directory from a file systems root directory exposes the entire file system.

Can someone ... suggest a correction?

On ZFS, the exposure of pool/a , pool/b can be fixed easily by creating pool/a/rrsum and pool/b/carolynk datasets. This will set the root directory of the file system to the last child dataset ( /Users/a/rrsum and /Users/b/carolynk respectively).

As for /usr, that UFS root directory will be exposed always (NFSv3 and NFSv4), unless V4: /usr/local, but that would disable /User/*

One solution for /usr could be to transform UFS in ZFS, creating a pool/usr/local dataset, but that might not be an option here.

If no modifications are planed, the warnings can be silenced by setting the mountd(8) -A flag in rc.conf: mountd_flags="-r -S -A", see manual for details.

Anyone who suppresses the warnings should know what they are doing.
Thanks very much for the explanation - very helpful. I think I'll go the route of changing to zfs as you suggest.
