Error (no authorization protocol specified) when trying to open Firefox/Chromium

When I try to open Chromium or Firefox, on a newly installed machine, I get the error:

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

How does one fix this and why is it happening?
Run it
  • From within your X session (you do have one running, right?)
  • As the same user running this X session.
Run it
  • From within your X session (you do have one running, right?)
  • As the same user running this X session.
I was trying to reinstall xmonad after copying backup files. I restarted and now it seems to be working. Not sure I understood what happened but working now.
Not sure I understood what happened
The X server, when configured normally, expects X clients (anything that wants to display something like a window) to authenticate. Anything relevant for that is normally stored in an .Xauthority file, only readable by the user running the X session. The location of the file is expected in the XAUTHORITY environment variable. You can list the contents with xauth list.

Starting some X client if you're missing the XAUTHORITY variable or don't have access to the file it points to will therefore never work (unless you switch your X server to allow everything, e.g. with xhost +, but don't do that ...).