We've been getting net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR on mostly chrome when serving video files. In the beginning we thought that issue is with Chrome browser but after testing it further we found that video serving working perfect on Debian but error is only occuring on Freebsd.
The way we're generating this error is that we create an html page and put 6 direct video links on the page (Video links served by NGINX FreeBSD)
After that we open this link in Incognito chrome and in Inspect element under Console those SPDY protocol errors start to occur. Here see the screenshot : http://prntscr.com/g3bqcg
I've also tried updating openssl, updating FreeBSD-11 to FreeBSD-11.1 , updated Nginx to latest 1.12.1 but this error is not removed.
Here is my Nginx SSL config :
NOTE: This error is not comming for Debian or Centos but only in FreeBSD.
Please guide me on how to fix this error.
Thanks in advance !!
We've been getting net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR on mostly chrome when serving video files. In the beginning we thought that issue is with Chrome browser but after testing it further we found that video serving working perfect on Debian but error is only occuring on Freebsd.
The way we're generating this error is that we create an html page and put 6 direct video links on the page (Video links served by NGINX FreeBSD)
After that we open this link in Incognito chrome and in Inspect element under Console those SPDY protocol errors start to occur. Here see the screenshot : http://prntscr.com/g3bqcg
I've also tried updating openssl, updating FreeBSD-11 to FreeBSD-11.1 , updated Nginx to latest 1.12.1 but this error is not removed.
Here is my Nginx SSL config :
NOTE: This error is not comming for Debian or Centos but only in FreeBSD.
Please guide me on how to fix this error.
Thanks in advance !!