Solved Encoding, keyboard and mouse issue

A packages upgrade has triggered an encoding issue, keyboard and mouse issue too.
By typing keystrokes in xterm for example, symbols and all kinds of letters are displayed.
Then, some seconds latter, I can't handle the keyboard neither the mouse anymore, numlocks key doesn't work, clic neither.
Typing in console works; but sometimes I can't switch to the console.
Tests have been done with Mate and Icewm, twm too, results are similars

THanks for your help.
I don't have such issues with KDE/Qt (but others :(). Thus it must be either
  • configuration/setup of X11 in the start scripts of the GUI
  • GTk
  • Mate
You wrote you tested with twm(1), does that mean w/o full-blown Mate GUI, but plain bare naked X server & twm/xterm only? Then it's the 1st.
EDIT: And none of the related software is installed via ports? I.e. if you installed some from ports instead via pkg(8), it is not related to X11?
By removing /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keyboard.conf keyboard, mouse are working. Characters are corrects. BUT, obviously,I falled in qwerty.