emacs question

I'm not sure what I did but suddenly when I try to mark text in emacs it's no longer working. Ctrl-space bar opens a macro editor as per the screenshot below:


I've done a few searches and can't seem to find any explanation. I searched how to reset emacs commands to the default and still no joy.

I'm really hoping someone with more BSD experience can help me get this straightened out.

Assuming I did this correctly:


I hit Alt-X then typed in "describe-key" In the entry field in the bottom I hit ctrl-space and that's what came up. I think I did something wrong. I'm no emacs guru or I wouldn't be here asking so please be patient if I do something stupid...
Are you using Moba Xterm to access Emacs over ssh?
Are you using Moba Xterm to access Emacs over ssh?
As a matter of fact, I am. I recently started using MobaXterm on my work Windows PC.
Yes, ctrl-space is a Moba Xterm keyboard shortcut "to open the list of macros".
Good to know.

Would you know of a way around that? I'd prefer to be able to use ctrl-space for emacs. If not I'll learn to live with it. I really like MobaXterm