DWM is supposed to support Xinerama, you have to uncomment the following lines in config.mk:
# Xinerama, un-comment if you want it
XINERAMALIBS = -L${X11LIB} -lXinerama
Doesn't it work for you, Oko?
DWM doesn't have any other dependency than the X libs, as far as I know.
I've been using DWM since 0.3, and it as quickly become my favourite. I think that such a light _and_ powerful wm is a wonder. It really has a lot of functions, and has almost superseded ratpoison for me (which would be my second favourite). For instance, to be able to manage each particular windows in both (tiled or floating) modes is just a great thing. It lets you easily compensate the fact that some apps are inappropriate to tiling mode, like the gimp for instance, or firefox to a smaller extent.
The "tagging" system is extremely useful too. And I like the fact that this wm can be driven from the keyboard as well as from the mouse.
Well, my 2 pence...